JOS Meaning

The JOS meaning is "Journal of Sociology". The JOS abbreviation has 43 different full form.

JOS Full Forms

  1. Journal of Sociology Sociology
  2. Journal of Organic Systems Business, Agriculture, Food
  3. Jamaica Omnibus Service
  4. Jeugd, Onderwijs En Samenleving
  5. Journal of Oral Science
  6. Jakarta Oratorio Society Indonesia, Jakarta, Tong
  7. Journal of Semantics
  8. Jesus Our Saviour
  9. Journal of Oman Studies
  10. Jabel Oil Services
  11. Journal of Scheduling
  12. Jesus Our Savior Religion
  13. Journal of Offical Statistics
  14. Juvenile Offenders
  15. Dhl De Guatemala Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Business & Finance
  16. Journal of Otolaryngology Studies
  17. Japanese Orthodontic Society Medical, Dental, Japan
  18. Journal of Official Statistics Technology, Research, Survey
  19. Junior Olympic Sailing
  20. Junior Olympics
  21. Journal of Oromo Studies Book, Study, Ethiopia
  22. Japanese Ophthalmological Society Government, Japan, Ophthalmology
  23. Jewel of Soul Forum, Server, Chaos, Jewel
  24. Junior Officers Military, Education, Army
  25. Journal of Oriental Studies History, Journal, China, Study
  26. Japanese Ocean Suplex Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  27. Jeugd Organisatie Sportclub
  28. Yakubu Gowon Airport Jos, Nigeria Airport, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  29. Journal of Simulation Technology, Research, Model
  30. Jsims Object Services Military
  31. Juventud Odontol
  32. Joy of Science Science, America, Climate, Train
  33. Juventud OdontolóGica Salvadoreña
  34. jaw osteosarcoma Medical, Bone
  35. Joy of Satan Funnies
  36. Yakubu Gowon, Jos, Nigeria Nigeria, ICAO Airport Codes, Airport codes, Iata Airport Codes
  37. Journal of The Oughtred Society
  38. Jeffs Operating System General, Governmental & Military
  39. Journal of Supercomputing
  40. Jumpers Over Seventy Organizations, Society, Skydiver
  41. Jostens, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  42. Journal of Singing
  43. Julius Orion Smith

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does JOS stand for?

    JOS stands for Jsims Object Services.

  2. What is the shortened form of Journal of Official Statistics?

    The short form of "Journal of Official Statistics" is JOS.


JOS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated