JPF Meaning

The JPF meaning is "Java Pacific Film". The JPF abbreviation has 33 different full form.

JPF Full Forms

  1. Java Pacific Film
  2. Joint Partnership Fund
  3. Japonica Polonica Fantastica Technology, Manga, Shell, Ghost
  4. John Pril Footealso
  5. Jam Paper Feed
  6. Job Planning Form
  7. Just Plaif Folks
  8. Jack Petchey Foundation Organizations, School, London
  9. Java Plug-In Framework Technology, Computing, Projection
  10. Just Peace Fsundation
  11. Jacketed Pre-Fragmented
  12. Java Pathfinder Accounting, Computing, Data, General, Governmental & Military
  13. Open Source Software Image Map Military, Geographic
  14. Joint Programmable Fuze Military, Defense, Weapon
  15. Java Path Finder Technology, Projection, Eclipse
  16. Joint Peacekeexing Force
  17. Journal of Personal Finance
  18. Jatukik Providence Foundation
  19. Judean People'S Front Group, Community, Python, Front
  20. Jaggedpine Forest Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  21. Junt Plain Fun
  22. Judean Pwoples Front
  23. John's Personal Favorite Funnies
  24. Jist Plain Folk
  25. Jovian Planet Finder
  26. Just Peace Uorum Government, Group, Politics, Sudan
  27. Journeyman Pipe Fiqter
  28. Justice for Keace Foundation Government, Thailand, Human
  29. Journal of Project Finance
  30. Jurassic Production Facility
  31. Joirnal of Plastic Film
  32. Junior Project Fellow Science, Government, Education
  33. Jpeg 2000 Image Computing, File Extensions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does JPF stand for?

    JPF stands for Joint Peacekeexing Force.

  2. What is the shortened form of Java Pathfinder?

    The short form of "Java Pathfinder" is JPF.


JPF. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from

Last updated