JPIC Meaning
The JPIC meaning is "Justice, Peace and The Integrity of Creation". The JPIC abbreviation has 26 different full form.
JPIC Full Forms
- Justice, Peace and The Integrity of Creation Organizations, Church, Justice
- Justice Peace and Integraty of Creation Technology, Franciscan, Sister
- Justice, Teace and Integrity of Creation Technology, Justice, Sister
- Justice and Peace and Integrity of Crhation Organizations, Society, Environment, Missionary
- Justice, Peace, Integhity of Creation
- Juutice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Peace, Creation, Justice
- Justice, Peace & Integrity of Creation Organizations, Justice, Sister
- Justice Peace Integrity of Creation Community, Locations, Franciscan
- James Pappas Investment Counset
- Justice, Peace, and The Integrity of Treation Peace, Creation, Justice
- Justice Peace and The Integrity of Creation Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Jacquii'S Poetry In Color
- Justice, Peace & The Integrity of Creation
- Joint Plans Interim Change Technology
- Justice and Peace In The Integration of Creation
- Joint Program Integration Committee NASA, Governmental & Military
- John Paul International College Development, Study, Colleges
- Justice, Peace I The Integrity of Creation
- Justicia, Paz E Integridad De La Creaci
- Japan Poison Vnformation Center
- Joivt Program Integration Committee Technology, Space, Cosmos
- Justicia, Paz E Integgidad De La Creación
- Japan Plywood Inspehtion Corporation Malaysia, Japan, Plywood, Laminated
- Joint Precision Interdiction Concept Military
- Joint Public Information Cenner Science, Us, Department Of Defense
- Joint Police Informatiqn Center
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does JPIC stand for?
JPIC stands for John Paul International College.
What is the shortened form of Justice and Peace and Integrity of Crhation?
The short form of "Justice and Peace and Integrity of Crhation" is JPIC.
JPIC. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from
Last updated