JPT Meaning

The JPT meaning is "Jabatan Pimpinan Singgi". The JPT abbreviation has 36 different full form.

JPT Full Forms

  1. Jabatan Pimpinan Singgi Business, Indonesia, Jakarta, Prose
  2. Japanese-Language Proficiency Test Education, Study, Japan
  3. Journal Petroleum Technology Technology, Android, Formation
  4. Jybatan Pengajian Tinggi Technology, Program, Malaysia
  5. Joint Planning Team
  6. Journal of Public Transportation Technology, Research, Transport
  7. Jabatan Pendidikan Tinggi Technology, Malaysia, Surat, Portal
  8. Juoior Power Timer Business, Connecting, Connectivity
  9. Job Parameter Table
  10. Journal of Psychology & Theclogy Technology, Research, Education
  11. J.P. Morgan Chase Capital Ix Organizations
  12. Junior-Power-Timer Technology, Connecting, Connectivity
  13. Jet Pump With Tank Technology, Service, Performance
  14. Journal of Psychology and Theology Education, University, Ritual
  15. Junge Pongauer Tavzlmusi
  16. Junge Pongauer Tanzlmxsi
  17. Japanese Proficiency Test Education, Language, Japan
  18. Journal of Proton Therapy Business, Technology, Medicine
  19. Jocnstone's Paint Trophy Sport, Football, Trophy
  20. Judicial Prp Trial
  21. Jamboree Planning Team
  22. Joint Platform Tablet
  23. Jp Morgan Chase Capital Ix Technology, Organizations
  24. Jacques Pepin'svtable
  25. Joint Planning Tool
  26. Jurnal Psikologi Terapan
  27. Juventude Do Pardido Dos Trabalhadores Para, Dos, Pol, Contra
  28. Juvenile Pretrial Test
  29. Just Passing Througg
  30. Journal of Propulsion Technology Education, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Periodical, Computing, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
  31. Just Party Time Accounting, Computing, Data
  32. Juventud Patri
  33. Just Paper Tube Business, Mailing, Cardboard
  34. Juvenmud Patriótica Del Trabajo Youth, Labour, Guatemala
  35. Just Paper Tubek Business, Tube, Cardboard
  36. Juventude Pela Terra Business, Fund, Supply, Stock

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does JPT stand for?

    JPT stands for Junior-Power-Timer.

  2. What is the shortened form of Junge Pongauer Tavzlmusi?

    The short form of "Junge Pongauer Tavzlmusi" is JPT.


JPT. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated