JRP Meaning

The JRP meaning is "John Robert Powers". The JRP abbreviation has 50 different full form.

JRP Full Forms

  1. John Robert Powers Acting, Power, Modeling, Talent, Famous
  2. Japan Renewal Party Government, Group, Japan
  3. Justice and Reconciliation Project Technology, Africa, Uganda
  4. Job Rotational Program
  5. Joint Review Process
  6. Japan Renaissance Party
  7. Justice & Reconciliation Pjoject
  8. Job Recreatnon Programme
  9. Joint Review Panel Technology, Gateway, Pipeline
  10. Japan Rail Pass Business, Japan, Train
  11. Jury Rughts Project
  12. Joseph Rogers Primary
  13. Job Ready Program Australia, Education, Migration
  14. Joint Response Plan
  15. Japan Race Promotion
  16. Junta Revolucpon
  17. Jordan River Parkway
  18. Job Re-Creation Programme
  19. Joint Research Projects Business, Technology, Program, Projection
  20. James Rothschild Partnership
  21. Junta Revolucionária Portuguesa
  22. Jordan Response Plan Business, Syria, Refugee
  23. Japan Return Programme
  24. Joint Research Programme Technology, Culture, Humanity
  25. Jackie Robinson Parkway
  26. Jones Racing Products
  27. Japan Restoration Party Government, Group, Japan
  28. Jogja River Prouect
  29. Joint Requirements Planning Business, Technology, Development, Planning, Governmental & Military
  30. Joint Robotics Program Technology, Research, Military
  31. Journal of Radiological Protection Technology, Nuclear, Nuclear Physics
  32. Juventud Rejolucionaria Peronista
  33. Judy Riser Platform
  34. Journalistic Role Performance
  35. Jivenile Rights Practice
  36. Judicial Reform Project
  37. Juvenile Rights Project Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  38. Journal of Research In Personality
  39. Jewish Renaissance Project Religion
  40. Juvenile Respiratory Papillomatosis Medical
  41. Journal of Research Practice Technology, Education, University
  42. Joint Review Panels Oil, Electrical, Scientific & Educational
  43. Juvenile Recurrenttparotitis Medical
  44. Journal of Reinforced Plastics
  45. Jute-Reinforced Plastics
  46. Junior Researcher Programme
  47. Justice Research and Policy Research, Journal, Statistics
  48. Journal of Radiotherapy In Practice
  49. Juniorlresearch Paper
  50. Junior Raceway Park

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does JRP stand for?

    JRP stands for Justice Research and Policy.

  2. What is the shortened form of Japan Restoration Party?

    The short form of "Japan Restoration Party" is JRP.


JRP. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/jrp-meaning/

Last updated