JRS Meaning

The JRS meaning is "Atarot Airport". The JRS abbreviation has 59 different full form.

JRS Full Forms

  1. Atarot Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
  2. Judicial Retirement System Medical, Business, Pension
  3. Judges Retirement System Business, Credit, Loan, Technology, Governmental & Military
  4. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy Science, Research, Education, University, Chemical Engineering, Analytical Chemistry, Journal, Computing, Periodical, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
  5. Janet Roaming Service Technology, University, Wireless
  6. Junta Regular De SaÚDe
  7. Jesuit Relief Services Service, Locations, Refugee
  8. Joint Reporting System Service, Military, Preparedness
  9. Judges' Retirement System Technology, Government
  10. Jordan Rollover System Technology, Dynamics, Dynamic
  11. Jamaica Reservation Service
  12. Junior Ratings Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  13. Jesuits Refugee Service
  14. Joplin Regional Stockyards
  15. Jack Russell Shorties
  16. Junior Ranks
  17. Jesuit Rdfugees Service
  18. Jolly Roger Squadron
  19. Jack Rabbit Speaks Organizations, Community, Man, Burning
  20. Judidial Reviews Government, Law, Court
  21. Journal of Refugee Studies Research, Education, Study
  22. Jesuit Refygee Services
  23. Joint Research Scheme
  24. Iata Code for Atarot Airport, Jerusalem, Israel Locations
  25. Judicial Reform Strategy
  26. Journal of Refractive Surgery Medical, Medicine, Education
  27. Jesuit Refugee Service Technology, Education, Organizations
  28. Joint Reporting System/Structure Military, Army, Intelligence
  29. Journal of Roman Studies History, Journal, Study, Computing, Archaeology, Anthropology, Periodical, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
  30. Judijial Reference System
  31. Journal of Rangeland Science
  32. Jankovic Rating Scale Medical, Patient, Study, Blepharospasm
  33. Junta Regular Be Sa
  34. Joint Reporting Structure Military, Army, Equipment
  35. JPMorgan Russian Securities Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  36. Journal of Religion & Society
  37. Juvenile Regional Services
  38. Junction Relay Set
  39. Journal of Religion Society
  40. Just Right Soiy Business, Technology, Service, Banking
  41. Jovian Relay Spacecraft
  42. John Ryburn Services
  43. Exchange Reserve Transaction Log File Computing, File Extensions
  44. Journal of Religion and Society Study, Archaeology, Archeology
  45. Just Retirement Solutions
  46. Journal of Regional Science Business, Research, Economics
  47. Journals Social
  48. Washington Judges' Retirement System Government, Law, Court
  49. Atarot Airport, Jerusalem, Israel Israel
  50. Justico Racing Stables
  51. Journal of The Royal Society
  52. Nuveen Real Estate Fund Organizations
  53. Jeffrey Ryan Smoots Famous
  54. Jurnal Rekayrsa Sipil
  55. Journal of Robotic Surgery
  56. Juvenile Risk Supervisor Government
  57. Johnson Rail Services Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  58. Journal of Religious Studies Education, Study, Journals
  59. Juvenile Rehabilitation Supervisor Government

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does JRS stand for?

    JRS stands for Exchange Reserve Transaction Log File.

  2. What is the shortened form of Judidial Reviews?

    The short form of "Judidial Reviews" is JRS.


JRS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/jrs-meaning/

Last updated