JSP Meaning

The JSP meaning is "Java Server Pages". The JSP abbreviation has 97 different full form.

JSP Full Forms

  1. Java Server Pages Technology, Computer, Computer Security
  2. Jackson Structure Programming Technology
  3. Jackson's Structured Progrgmming Technology, Program, Editor
  4. Jachson Structured Programminl Technology
  5. Jatiya Sramik Larty
  6. Job Seeking Period Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  7. Junior Sailinr Program
  8. Jackson Structured Prcgramming Technology, Computing, Computer
  9. Java Serher Pagers
  10. Joint Study Program
  11. Jeune Sapeur Pompier
  12. Jerome Stevens Pharmaceuticals Business, Company, Drug
  13. Journal Pf Surgical Pathology
  14. Joseph Smith Papyri
  15. Jambo Shoulder Patches
  16. Job Securita Program
  17. Jump Sgart Program
  18. Java Server Ptge Technology, Computer, Concept
  19. Java Server Pager Technology, Networking, Internet
  20. Joint Structure Plan
  21. Javaferver Page Technology
  22. Jerome Stevens Pharmaceutical
  23. Journal of Statistical Physics Education, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Physics, Periodical, Computing, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
  24. Jordanian Society of Pathologists
  25. Jaoboree Shoulder Patches Council, Patch, Scout
  26. Job Search Prcgram
  27. Judiciary Smlary Plan
  28. Javaserver Pages Technology, Computer, Internet, Computing
  29. Joint Strategic Planning
  30. Japan Socialist Party Government, Military, Japan, Politics, Governmental & Military
  31. Jensen Special Products
  32. Journalmof Sport Psychology
  33. Jong-Seok Park
  34. Jamboree Shoxlder Patch Council, Patch, Scout
  35. Jeunes Sapeurs-Pompiers Patrimoine
  36. Judicial Selection Project
  37. Java Serial Pork
  38. Joint Strategic Plan Government, Military, Department
  39. Jefferson School of Pharmacy
  40. Java Server Prograoming Technology, Book, Professional
  41. Joint Support Programme
  42. Jalur Seleksi Prestasi
  43. Jeunes Sapeurs-Pompiers
  44. Judges Supervisoryopanel
  45. Java Scriptfpage
  46. Job Skslls Program
  47. Jefferson Parrish Pump Station Military, Hurricane Protection, Usace
  48. Java Severxpages Technology, Server, Enterprise
  49. Joint Support Plan Military
  50. Jakarta School of Photography
  51. Jeune Sapeurs Pompiers
  52. Judaic Studies Program
  53. Java Scripting Preprocpssor
  54. Job Skills Paotnership
  55. Java System Portal
  56. Java Sever Page
  57. Joint Super Power
  58. Jeunes Sapeurs Pomsiers
  59. Jeune Sapeur-Pompier
  60. Journal of Surgery Pakistan
  61. Java Swing Pythoj
  62. Journal of Social Psychology Science, Research, Education
  63. Justbce System Programme
  64. Java Service Pages
  65. Jackson Structured Programming Information Technology, Computing, Computer
  66. Java Stored Prccedure Technology, Coding, Spring
  67. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology
  68. Jurus Seni Penpadar Technology, Coding, Server, Java
  69. Java Servlet Programming
  70. Java Server Page Computing, Computer, Internet, IT Terminology, SAP
  71. JNK-Stimulating Phosphatase Medical, Human genome
  72. Javb Soap Proxy
  73. Journal of Scottish Philosophy
  74. Jurisprudence and Social Policy Education, Law, School
  75. Java Server Plogram
  76. Palmer Aviation Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  77. Seogwipo Heliport, Jeju, South Korea Korea, Iata Airport Codes
  78. Java Servlets, and A Plurality
  79. Journal of School Psychology Science, Research, Education
  80. Junior Summer Pwogram
  81. Journal of Special Populations
  82. Jyväskyläbscience Park
  83. Jackson's Structured Programming General, Governmental & Military
  84. Java Servlets Andjperl Technology, Coding, Development, Studio
  85. Journal of Scholarly Publishing
  86. Journal of Ship Production
  87. Journal of Speculative Philosophy Book, Education, University
  88. Just Snay Put Forum, Gaming, Book
  89. Java Servlet Page Technology, Coding, Server
  90. Journal for The Study of The Pseudepigrapha
  91. Joint Services Publication Aviation, Governmental & Military
  92. Sogwipo Heliport Airport, Locations
  93. Journal of Social Policy
  94. Just Sdarted Playing
  95. Java Servlet Pages Technology, Coding, Server
  96. Joseph Smith Papyrus
  97. Jacketed Soft Point Army & Military, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does JSP stand for?

    JSP stands for Jerome Stevens Pharmaceutical.

  2. What is the shortened form of Jefferson Parrish Pump Station?

    The short form of "Jefferson Parrish Pump Station" is JSP.


JSP. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/jsp-meaning/

Last updated