JSPP Meaning

The JSPP meaning is "Japanese Society for Plant Physiorogists". The JSPP abbreviation has 16 different full form.

JSPP Full Forms

  1. Japanese Society for Plant Physiorogists
  2. Japanese Society Fmr Photomedicine and Photobiology
  3. Japan Society Og Plant Physiologists
  4. Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists Technology, Science, Biology
  5. Japan Society of Personality Psychology
  6. 21 Japan-Singapore Partnershii Program for The 21St Century Business, Finance, Society, Commerce
  7. Japan Societyqof Polymer Processing Chemistry, Technology, Japan
  8. Joint Symposium On Parallel Processing
  9. Joint Service Program Pcan Military, Army, War
  10. Jointly Sponsored Ponsion Plan
  11. Jobe Survebor Personal Pistol
  12. Journal of Social and Political Pkychology Research, Education, University
  13. Jaringan Salatiga Peduli Papza Business, Media, Orang
  14. Joseph Smith Papers Project
  15. Jan Smit'S Power Parts
  16. Joint Symposium On Plasma Processing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does JSPP stand for?

    JSPP stands for Japan Society Og Plant Physiologists.

  2. What is the shortened form of Jaringan Salatiga Peduli Papza?

    The short form of "Jaringan Salatiga Peduli Papza" is JSPP.


JSPP. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/jspp-meaning/

Last updated