JSSS Meaning

The JSSS meaning is "Junior Secondary Schools". The JSSS abbreviation has 20 different full form.

JSSS Full Forms

  1. Junior Secondary Schools Science, Education, Teaching
  2. Job Survival and Success Scale
  3. Joint Security Stations Military, War, Iraq, Baghdad
  4. Job Safety Skills Society
  5. Javascript Style Sheets Technology, Information Technology, Property, Computing, Java, Computers
  6. Jazz Scale Suggester System
  7. Java Script Style Sheet
  8. Japan Society of Sport Sociology Science, Sociology
  9. Jan Shikshan Sansthans
  10. Joint Software System Safety Army, Force, Marine
  11. Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies Education, Psychology, Analytics
  12. Journal of The Simplified Spelling Society
  13. Journal of Spinal Studies and Surgery Organizations, Journals, Magazines, Publications
  14. Jvx (v-22) Simulation Support Software Military, Governmental & Military
  15. Journal of Studies In Social Sciences Organizations, Journals, Magazines, Publications
  16. Jvx Simulation Support Software Technology, Military, Army
  17. Journal of Social Science Studies Organizations, Journals, Magazines, Publications
  18. Justice Studies Student Society Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  19. Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems Technology, Science, Publication
  20. Junior Science Support Service Science, Research, Study, Knowledge

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does JSSS stand for?

    JSSS stands for Japan Society of Sport Sociology.

  2. What is the shortened form of Journal of Social Science Studies?

    The short form of "Journal of Social Science Studies" is JSSS.


JSSS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/jsss-meaning/

Last updated