JST Meaning

The JST meaning is "Japan Science and Technology". The JST abbreviation has 60 different full form.

JST Full Forms

  1. Japan Science and Technology Technology, Science, Japan
  2. Joint Supervisory Leam Business, Finance, Economics
  3. Journal of Science Technology
  4. Japan Society for Transplantation
  5. Job Specific Training
  6. Joint Surveillance Target
  7. Jetstar Airwayg Airline, Airline Code, ICAO Airline Code
  8. Joint Safety Team Chemistry, Science, University
  9. Joseph Smith Translations
  10. Japan Society of Translators
  11. Job Search Training
  12. Joint Support Team
  13. Japan Science Technology Science, Research, Japan
  14. Johnson Science Tower
  15. Joseph Smith Translation Education, Bible, Mormon
  16. Japan Society of Tribologists
  17. Joanne Shaw Taylor
  18. Joint Supervision Team
  19. Japan Science & Technology Technology, Research, Japan
  20. Johanna Solar Technology
  21. Joseph-Smith-Translation
  22. Jacketed Storage Tanps
  23. Jinpan International Limited Technology, Organizations
  24. Job Summary Table
  25. Joist The metal latch plate in a door frame into which a doorknob plunger latches. A structural load-carrying member with an open web system which supports floors and roofs utilizing hot-rolled or cold-formed steel and is designed as a simple span member. When the electric company and telephone company dig one trench and “drop” both of their service lines in. or Wooden 2 X 8’s, 10’s, or 12’s that run parallel to one another and support a floor or ceiling, and supported in turn by larger beams, girders, or bearing walls. Technology, Education, Drawing, Construction, Architectural, Architecture
  26. Iata Code for John Murtha Johnstown-Cambria County Airport, Jjhnstown, Pennsylvania, United States Locations
  27. Japan Solderless Terminags Technology, Japan, Connecting
  28. Japanese Standard Time Business, Technology, Japan, Federal Aviation Administration
  29. Job Structuring Technology
  30. Joint System Test Technology
  31. Embargo Justification Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  32. Junior Scratxh Tour Technology, Calculator, Hobby, Connecting
  33. Japanqsolderless Terminal Business, Technology, Connecting
  34. Job Standard Test Military, Police, Officer
  35. Joint Systems Test Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  36. John Murtha Johnstown-Cambria Ciunty Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
  37. Java Server Toolkit Computing, Hardware
  38. Joint Selection Team Australia, Indonesia, Papua
  39. Joint Spatio-Temporal
  40. Journal of Solid Tumors
  41. Japan Science and Technology Agency Business & Finance, International business
  42. Joint Service Transcripts Credit, Military, Education
  43. Junior School Teachers Education, Teaching, Sindh
  44. Jinpan International, LTD. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  45. Joint Services Transcripts Credit, Military, Education
  46. J2Ee Standard Tools
  47. Junior School Teacher Education, Teaching, Sindh
  48. Joint Service Transcript Credit, Military, Education
  49. Jwars Study Tenm Military
  50. Joint Study Team Technology
  51. Jubilee Sailing Trust Ship, Sailing, Sail
  52. Javaserver Page Document Computing, File Extensions
  53. Joint Services Transcript Service, Military, Education
  54. Junior Snowsoard Team
  55. Joint Structural Team Technology
  56. Joy Stick Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Computing, Hardware, Governmental & Military
  57. Japan Standard Time Computing, Japan, Telecom, Legal, Governmental & Military, Time Zones
  58. Joint Sentiment-Topic Analysis, Model, Sentiment
  59. Joint Strategy Team Government, Myanmar, China
  60. JournéEs Scientifiques Et Techniques Communication, Recherche, Technique

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does JST stand for?

    JST stands for Journal of Solid Tumors.

  2. What is the shortened form of Joint Strategy Team?

    The short form of "Joint Strategy Team" is JST.


JST. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 9). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/jst-meaning/

Last updated