JUMP Meaning

The JUMP meaning is "Jack Up Maintenance Platform". The JUMP abbreviation has 33 different full form.

JUMP Full Forms

  1. Jack Up Maintenance Platform Business, Viking, Rowan
  2. Jelajah Usahawan Malaysia Pakar Government, Committee, Entrepreneurship
  3. Joint Urban Ministry Project Community, Urban, Burlington
  4. Java User Migration Path Microsoft, Technology, Development, General, Governmental & Military
  5. Juelich Multiprozessor Technology
  6. Java User Move Path
  7. Joint Upgrade and Maintenance Programme Technology, Engine, Roll
  8. Juelich Multiprocessor Technology, Computing, Ibm
  9. Java Unified Mapping Platform Technology, Software, Map
  10. Joint Union Management Program
  11. Juvenile Urban Mentoring Program Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  12. Jordan Upgrading and Modernisation Programme
  13. Japan United for A Ministry of Peace
  14. Joint Uniform Military Pay
  15. Jordan Upgrading and Modernization Program
  16. Japan United for Ministry of Peace
  17. Jesus Understands My Problems
  18. Join Us To Motivate People Student, Organizations, Ireland, Power
  19. Janrain User Management Platform
  20. Jesus Understands My Pain
  21. Join Us Making Progress
  22. Jumper A small plug or wire that can be connected between different points in an electronic circuit in order to alter an aspect of a hardware configuratiocompare DIP switch. The short length conductor used to connect or complete the circuit on PCB (printed circuit boards) or an electrical connection between two points. An unauthorized person on the tracks or A small piece of plastic-covered metal that is used to connect two contacts and complete a circuit. Electronics, Engineering, Electronics Engineering
  23. Justified Use of Military Power Army, War, Force
  24. Java Users Must Pay Funnies
  25. Junior University Multidisciplinary Preparation Development, Study, Universities
  26. Level Jump Trading Inc. Organizations
  27. Junior Universityrsity Multidisciplinary Preparation Education
  28. Junior Undiscovered Mathematical Prodigies Education, Math, Grade
  29. Juvenile Upward Mobility Program
  30. Junior Undiscovered Math Prodigies Student, Education, Teaching
  31. Just Upgrade My Phone Technology, Planning, Contract
  32. Juneau Underground Motion Picture Film, Arts, Alaska
  33. Just Unleash My Potential Development, Learning, Study

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does JUMP stand for?

    JUMP stands for Java User Migration Path.

  2. What is the shortened form of Join Us Making Progress?

    The short form of "Join Us Making Progress" is JUMP.


JUMP. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/jump-meaning/

Last updated