JV Meaning

The JV meaning is "Joint Ventures". The JV abbreviation has 71 different full form.

JV Full Forms

  1. Joint Ventures Business, Technology, Joint, Venture, Partnership
  2. Jean-Philippe Vanot
  3. Joint-Ventures
  4. Jason Voorhees
  5. Jakub Vrana
  6. Jac Vanek Technology, Team, Store, Directory
  7. Jacques Van
  8. Josh Vitters Baseball, Card, Checklist
  9. Junior Varsity Technology, Sport, Team, Varsity, Education
  10. Jordan Valley Medical, Club, Semiconductor
  11. Jatin Varmt
  12. Jornt-Venture Business, Joint, Agreement
  13. Jhonen Vasquez
  14. Jean-Vincent Program, Management, France, Jean
  15. Joba V1 Technology, Vision, Team
  16. Jason Varitek
  17. Joie De Vqvre Hotel, Locations, Spa, Inn
  18. Jewish Versaon
  19. Joseph Viclor
  20. Jai Vasavada
  21. Job Variable
  22. Japan Vintage Japan, Guitar, Fender, Vintage
  23. John Vogel
  24. Joint Venture Joint Venture is a business activity started by two or more people, who invest capital for that business activity. Business, Technology, Science, Networking, Marketing, Chat, Cargo Shipping, Insurance, Computing, Texting, Telecom, Real Estate, Electrical, Business & Finance, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Business Word, Social Networking Sites, Federal Aviation Administration
  25. Jonathan Vidma
  26. Jaxad V1
  27. Job-Variably
  28. Justice Voice Music, Indonesia, Voice
  29. John Virgo
  30. Jonathan Vaughterp
  31. Jawahaa Vidyalaya
  32. Joachim Voss
  33. Journal Voucher Business, Accounting, Finance, Technology, Governmental & Military
  34. John Vincent Australia, Music, Australian
  35. Javier VáZquez
  36. Jonattan Van
  37. Jih Van
  38. Jobvariablen Technology
  39. Javier V
  40. Jonas Valanciunas
  41. Jimlie Vaughan Guitar, Fender, Blues, Vaughan
  42. Jeffersop Valley
  43. Job Varilblen
  44. Journalist Visa University, India, Embassy
  45. Jesuit Voluateer Service, Education, Corps
  46. John Vincent (John Vincent Martin Boyle) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  47. Jose Valentin
  48. José Varón
  49. Jksse Ventura
  50. Julie Victoria Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  51. Jose Villarrenl
  52. Jerry Vale
  53. Japanese Vintage Products
  54. Jjux Vid
  55. Jose Vidro
  56. Jeroen Vfn
  57. Jesuit Volunteer Occupation & positions
  58. Bearskin Lake Air Service Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  59. Jeunes Vignes
  60. Joint Velocity
  61. Jose Vicepte
  62. Jefj Vandergrift
  63. Jaurnal Volume Medical, Technology, Education
  64. Jet Velocity
  65. Javanese Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
  66. Jose Velarde Famous
  67. Jefferdon Village
  68. Journal Jf Visual
  69. Jesuit Voluxteers Technology, Service, Corps
  70. James Verner Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  71. Jose Vasquez

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does JV stand for?

    JV stands for Jonattan Van.

  2. What is the shortened form of Jaurnal Volume?

    The short form of "Jaurnal Volume" is JV.


JV. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 26). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/jv-meaning/

Last updated