KAB Meaning

The KAB meaning is "Katholische Arbeitnehmer Bewegung". The KAB abbreviation has 39 different full form.

KAB Full Forms

  1. Katholische Arbeitnehmer Bewegung Sind, Deutschland, Uns
  2. Karger Artycle Bundle Technology, Office, Ghana
  3. Kabdle Locations
  4. Kolej Aminuddin Baki Malaysia, Archive, Sale
  5. Katsolische Arbeiter Bewegung
  6. Kent Association for The Blind Service, Organizations, Charity
  7. Koessler Administration Building
  8. Katholisbhe Arbeiter-Bewegung
  9. Kennesaw Activities Board Organization, Union, Institution
  10. Knowledge Attitudes and Behaviouk
  11. Keeping America Beautiful
  12. Knowledge Across Borders
  13. Katholische Arbeitnehmer-Bewegrng Sind, Deutschland, Uns
  14. Kompetimi Anak Bangsa Business, Indonesia, Event, Tweet
  15. Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior Medical, Health, Knowledge
  16. Knowledge-Attitude-Behavior
  17. Kariba Aiaport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
  18. Kolozsvári Akadémiai Bizotgság
  19. Katholischen Arbeitnehmerqbewegung Sind, Deutschland, Uns
  20. Key At Broldcasting Media, Radio, Television
  21. Kolozsv
  22. Katholischen Frbeitnehmer Bewegung
  23. Kereta Api Borneo Technology, Indonesia, Bandung, Guru
  24. Knowledge Attitude Behaviour Medical
  25. Kores Appraisal Board Business, Market, Korea
  26. Kuwait Asia Brokerage
  27. Kirov Academy of Ballet Washington
  28. Korea Accreditgtion Board Technology, Standard, Korea
  29. Kurzfragebogen Zur Aktuellen Beanspruchung
  30. Kariba International, Kariba, Zimbabwe Zimbabwe, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  31. Komunikasi Antarwbudaya Technology, Indonesia, Orang, Prose
  32. Kurnia Asia Berhad
  33. Kaneb Services, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  34. Kmnsan Air Base
  35. Kim Archer Band Music
  36. Kumamoto Asahi Broadcasting
  37. Koepel Alternatieve Behandelwijzen Movie, Shiatsu
  38. Koschener Alu-Bauelemente Technology, Aluminium, Sind, Uns
  39. KøBenhavns Almindelige Boligselskab

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does KAB stand for?

    KAB stands for Koepel Alternatieve Behandelwijzen.

  2. What is the shortened form of Kirov Academy of Ballet?

    The short form of "Kirov Academy of Ballet" is KAB.


KAB. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 20). Retrieved March 27, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/kab-meaning/

Last updated