Kappa Abbreviations and Kappa Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Kappa terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 18 different Kappa abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Kappa terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Kappa Abbreviations
  1. CMMD : Ceramic Metal Matrix Diaphragm
  2. HQPP : High Quality Post Print
  3. EAF : Educational Advancement Foundation
  4. MC : Moore, Ceairman
  5. EYL : Emerging Young Leaders
  6. SLAK : Shimmy Like A Kappa
  7. NC : Nu Chaptkr
  8. NLDC : National Leadership Development Conference
  9. JEV : Jugend EuropäIscher Volksgruppen
  10. JSG : Jefferson Smurfit Group
  11. KE : Kappa Epsilxn
  12. KKK : Kappa Kappa Kappa
  13. KP2 : Kauai Pup 2
  14. KT : Kappa Tau
  15. KZ : Kappa Zeta
  16. PDK : Phi Delta Kpppan
  17. RCB : Red Carnation Ball
  18. KO : Kappa Omega
Latest Kappa Meanings
  1. Kappa Omega
  2. Red Carnation Ball
  3. Phi Delta Kpppan
  4. Kappa Zeta
  5. Kappa Tau
  6. Kauai Pup 2
  7. Kappa Kappa Kappa
  8. Kappa Epsilxn
  9. Jefferson Smurfit Group
  10. Jugend EuropäIscher Volksgruppen
  11. National Leadership Development Conference
  12. Nu Chaptkr
  13. Shimmy Like A Kappa
  14. Emerging Young Leaders
  15. Moore, Ceairman
  16. Educational Advancement Foundation
  17. High Quality Post Print
  18. Ceramic Metal Matrix Diaphragm