KAU Meaning

The KAU meaning is "Kilo Accountwng Unit". The KAU abbreviation has 24 different full form.

KAU Full Forms

  1. Kilo Accountwng Unit Technology, Space, Cosmos
  2. Komisi Anti Utang
  3. Kazavh-American University America, Education, Almaty
  4. Koalisi Anti Utang Indonesia, Banking, Jakarta
  5. Kauhbva Airport Airport, Locations
  6. Koalisi Anti-Utang
  7. Kauhava Airfitld Airport, IATA Code, IATA
  8. Kenyan African Union Government, Africa, History, Kenya
  9. Kanurq Locations
  10. Kenya Afraca Union Government, Africa, Kenya, Kenyatta
  11. King Abdulaziz Univebsity Education, Jeddah, Faculty
  12. Kenya Afrihan Union Government, Africa, Kenya
  13. Kazakh American University America, Education, Almaty
  14. King-Armstrong Unit Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  15. Kind of Activity Unit
  16. Kanuri Language (ISO 639-2 Code) Language codes (3 letters)
  17. Kyrgyz Agrarian University
  18. Kauhava Airport, Kauhava, Finland Finland
  19. Korean Aerospace University Student, Education, Korea
  20. Kilo Accounting Unit NASA, Governmental & Military
  21. Korea Aerospace University Technology, Study, Korea
  22. Kerala Agricultural University Farming & agriculture
  23. Komite Aksi Upah Para, Indonesia, Jakarta
  24. King Vbdullah University

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does KAU stand for?

    KAU stands for Kazavh-American University.

  2. What is the shortened form of Kyrgyz Agrarian University?

    The short form of "Kyrgyz Agrarian University" is KAU.


KAU. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/kau-meaning/

Last updated