KB Meaning
The KB meaning is "Kettlebell". The KB abbreviation has 344 different full form.
KB Full Forms
- Kettlebell Sport, Workout, Crossfit
- Kaltim Berhasil Business, Banking, Hosting
- Kleihauer-Betke Medical, Blood, Fetus, Fetal
- Kick-Boxing
- Korle Bu Business, Hospital, Ghana
- Knowledge Base In a computer system, a database with a store of information, facts and rules which can be used for problem-solving. Technology, Information Technology, Computer, Computing, Measurement, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Kilo-Byte Technology
- KalkıNma Bakanlığı Turkish, Technology, Vector
- Klaas Beek
- Keluarga Besar Accounting, Indonesia, Orang
- Korle-Bu Business, Health, Ghana
- Kilobyte A kilobyte is 2 to the 10th power, or 1,024 bytes. "But doesn't 'kilo' mean one thousand?" you ask. Well yes, but in the computer world, certain rules and guidelines don't have the same influence they do in other areas of life. Just ask any computer programmer. A kilobyte is technically 1,024 bytes because it is measured by 2^10, which equals 1,024. However, kilobytes are often estimated as 10 to the 3rd power, or 1,000 bytes. Science, Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Cybersecurity, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Measurement, IT Terminology, Scientific & Educational, Honeywell, Process Automation, Federal Aviation Administration
- Killing Blow Forum, Gaming, Military
- Kalimantan Barat Airport, Indonesia, Locations, City
- Kitchens Baths
- Keluarga Berencana Program, Indonesia, Hal
- Kookmin Bank Business, Financial, Organizations
- Killer Bud Science, Botany, Phytology, Scientific & Educational
- Kaiser Baas Technology, Driving, Driver
- Kitchen and Bath Business, Design, Cabinet
- Keluarga Bencana Program, Indonesia, Orang
- Knight of The Bath Military, Order, England
- Kids Book
- Kyusoku Bihaku Medical, Skin, Vitamin, Glutathione
- Kage Baker Company, Technology, Book
- Kit Body
- Kilobase One thousand bases in a DNA molecule. A unit of length equal to 1000 base pairs of a double-stranded nucleic acid molecule or to 1000 bases of a single-stranded molecule. A unit of length equal to 1000 base pairs of a double-stranded nucleic acid molecule or to 1000 bases of a single-stranded molecule. Science, Genetics, Genomics, Medical, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
- Kelly Bushing The bushing that directly transmits torque from the rotary table to the kelly. Petrophysics, Offshore Gas Industry, Offshore Oil Industry, Electrical
- Knee Brace A structural brace positioned diagonally between a beam or column and a joist panel point. Medicine, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Kick Butt Technology, Gaming, Internet Slang, Texting, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Kota Bahru
- Kabupaten Bandung Technology, Program, Indonesia
- Kisses Back Internet Slang, Slang, Computing, Computing Slang
- Kilo Bytes Science, Computing, Computer
- Kelley Blue
- Kleinwort Benson
- Kick Boxing
- Koruma BöLgesi
- Kirby-Bauer
- Kabardino-Balkar
- Kilo Byte Technology, Aviation, Kilobyte
- Kate Bush Music, Rock, Vinyl, Bush
- Kitchen Bitch
- Kelly Burgess Famous
- Komisi Banding Indonesia, Jakarta, Bola, Banding
- Kaiser-Bessel
- Kill Buher
- Kritischer Bericht
- Kim Beou Drama, Korean, Bum
- Keith Bartels
- Klinik Bersalin
- Kes Bagi
- Kew Band
- Korpus Bezpieczenstwa
- Kyler Burke
- Kathleen Clair
- KişIlik Bozuklukları
- Keluarga Berantakan Business, Music, Indonesia, Orang
- Kona Boys
- Kapalabhati Medical
- King Boarh
- Keyboard As the name implies, a keyboard is basically a board of keys. Along with the mouse, the keyboard is one of the primary input devices used with a computer. The keyboard's design comes from the original typewriter keyboards, which arranged letters and numbers in a way that prevented the type-bars from getting jammed when typing quickly. This keyboard layout is known as the QWERTY design, which gets its name from the first six letters across in the upper-left-hand corner of the keyboard. Technology, Internet Slang, Space, Chat, Cosmos, Web Development, Information Technology, Music, Computing, Texting, Computer, NASA, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Power Plant, Unix, Sms, Computing Slang, Hardware
- Knight of Bath Science, Genealogy
- Khushhaln Bank
- Kota Bogor
- Kein Bock Technology, Porn, Music
- Kirkland Bodie
- Kendisine Benzetilen Turkish, Salt, Tam
- Karmasangsthan Bank
- Kate Bryan Technology, Book, Software, Hereafter
- Kitchen and Batns
- Knoeledge Bundle
- Kai Brunnemann
- Kill Boyp Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Kristie Beegey
- Kim Basinger
- Keith Barrington
- Kleine Brand
- Kesalahan Besar
- Kevin Butler
- Karting Basics
- Kyle Busch Business, Racing, Sprint, Race
- Kathleen Blackwell Music, Artist, Recording
- Kpzza Besigye Government
- Keluarga Barencana
- Kommunistischen Bund
- Kantbr Berita
- Kindjof Blue Music, Jazz, Kind, Cue
- Knight Blade Forum, Technology, Gaming
- Ketjen Black
- Khwrne Berserker
- Kota Bengkulu Technology, Music, Distributor, Agen
- Kaviar Babes Technology, Movie, Baby, Scat
- Karim Belabas Mathematics, Projection, Audiobook
- Kendare Blake
- Karl Bub
- Kate Bradley
- Kitchen & Bath Business, Design, Cabinet
- Knowledge Buildens
- Kahal B'Raira
- Kilh Bosby
- Kristen Burns Business, Social, Biography, Burn
- Kilobytes Technology, Network, Telecommunication, NASA
- Keith Ballard
- Kertas Blabak
- Kevin Butcher
- Karsten Baumann
- Kathleen Battke Music, Battle, Magnet, Messiah
- Kitty Butt
- Keluarga Balita Program, Indonesia, Salah
- Kommunistischen Bundes
- Kansas Bolrd
- Kilving Bono Movie, School, Rip, Killing
- Kyle Brofloiski
- Kind of A Brown
- Knife Blades
- Kesertaan Ber
- Khatib Bongsu
- Kota Banjarmasin Technology, Gaming, Android, Agen
- Kava Btwl
- KüLtüR Bakanlığı Technology, Turkish, Hosting, Library
- Kendaraan Bermotor
- Karl Brown
- Kate Beckinsmle Technology, Celebrity, Picture, Wallpaper
- Kingsley Bate
- Knowledge Broker Technology, Science, Education
- Kadanoff-Baym
- Kill Board
- Kristvn Brown Book, Blowout, Blonde
- Kilogyte Technology, Measurement, Unit Of Measurement
- Keith Baker
- Binding Constant Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Kertas Band
- Kevin Burke Music, Ireland, Irish
- Karo Bio
- Kathleen Balr
- Kitty Bow
- Keluar Berencana
- Kommunistische Bund War, Els, Deutschland
- Kaki Bukit
- Kevin Brockmeier Book, History, Radiant
- Killin Binladen Army, War, Force
- Kyle Aoller
- Kind Bgd Marijuana, Cannabis, Bud
- Kneipp-Bund
- Kesehatan Bhayangkara
- Keywords Big
- Kota Bandar
- Königliche Bicliothek
- Kausitaki Brahmana Book, Education, Hindu, Sanskrit
- Kemps Bay
- Karl Blau
- Kings Bsunty Technology, Gaming, Legend
- Knowledgezbrokerage
- Kachemak Bay Locations, Alaska, Homer
- Kilo Bit Technology, Hardware, Software Network
- Kradschutzen-Bataillon
- Kilo Bkavo Radio, Ham, Fallout
- Keith Badman
- Koninklijk Besluit Door, Tot, Nog
- Kerry Blue
- Kevin Brownlow
- Karnataka Bulldozers Karnataka, Match, Cricket
- Katherine Becker
- Kitty Beach
- Kelompok Bermain Indonesia, Guru, Orang
- Kommunistischer Bund
- Kaiser Broadcasting
- Killer Bees Gaming, Guitar, Bee, Killer
- Kyle Boatriglt
- Kinase Bufzer
- Keith Bogans
- Knee Bearing Amputation Medical, Physiology
- Kesehatan Balaikota
- Key-Based
- Koslowski Brothers
- Kausitaki-Brahmana
- Kemajuan Di Bidang Business, Movie, Indonesia, Hal
- Koninklijke Bibliotheek Technology, Organizations, Library
- Kapital & Business
- Kings Blades
- Knowledge Bowl Student, Education, School
- Kabupaten Bintan Technology, Indonesia, Repository
- Kill Bits
- Kowloon Bay
- Keishibukuryogan Medical
- Knights of The Bath
- Kenny Bell Forum, Sport, Bell, Mustang
- Kevin Brown Food, Restaurant, Whitby
- Karnataka Bank Business, Coding, India
- Katherine Barr
- Kitchen Buffet
- Kelompok Belajar Technology, Program, Indonesia
- Kommanditbolag Company, Science, Company Extension
- Kaiser Bessel
- Killev Bee Forum, Technology, Guitar
- Kuchiki Blakuya
- Kimberly Blalock Book, Family, Saga
- Keith Black Technology, Performance, Piston
- Knee Bearing Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Kes Bhayangkara
- Kew Bridge
- Kortdurende Behandeling
- Kyril Bonfigvioli Technology, Book, Magnet, Trilogy
- Kauri Bumanol Cleaning, Solvent, Kauri
- Kjobenhavns Boldklmb
- Kemahiran Berfikir Technology, Book, Prose
- Kongelige Bibliotek Library, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Kapasitas Bak Indonesia, Engine, Pick
- Kings Bench English, King, Court
- Knit Below
- Kabupaten Bekasi Business, Indonesia, Map, Repository
- Khushi Baby
- Kovea Booster Product, Gas, Stove, Booster
- Keine Benachrichtigung
- Knight Bachelor Military, English, Order, Empire
- Kenne Bell
- Kevin Brooks Technology, Book, Candy
- Karnal Bunt Medical, Plant, Wheat
- Ken Brock Famous
- Kevin Batchelor Famous
- Kevrigan Byrne Technology, Book, Magnet, Victorian
- Kinase Beta Technology, Genetics, Protein
- Kilobyte (s) Atmospheric Research
- Kabardino-Balkarskaya
- Kartoffelzucht BöHm
- Keeler Brass Products
- Kilo Bite
- Kaspar B
- Kings Bay
- Kelley Barracks
- Kabupaten Bantul Technology, Program, Indonesia, Banking
- Ketone Bodies Ketone bodies are three water-soluble molecules (acetoacetate, beta-hydroxybutyrate, and their spontaneous breakdown product, acetone) that are produced by the liver from fatty acids during periods of low food intake (fasting), carbohydrate restrictive diets, starvation, prolonged intense exercise, or in untreated (or inadequately treated) type 1 diabetes mellitus. Medical, Medicine
- Kilobit 1024 bits. Also represented as Kb. Information Technology, Cybersecurity, Computing, Computer, Linux, IT Terminology, Honeywell, Process Automation
- KüChe, Bad
- Klaus Badelt Music, Equilibrium, Pirate
- Kelly (Babyface) Bergman Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Konstruksi Bangunan Indonesia, Traffic, Model
- Konstantin Berdichevsky Famous
- Kelly Bryan
- Kevin Bartlett
- Kelly Barnbill Boy, Magnet, Witch
- Kilpatrick'S Bread Technology, Windows, Service
- Kiss Back Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Human Oral Epidermoid Carcinoma Cells Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Koror-Babeldaob
- Kill Bosby Music
- Kizo-Bytes Technology, Computing, Megabyte, Kilobyte
- Kasih Bangsa
- Kyle Barnes Car, Park, Outcast
- King Bounty
- Keld Brandstrup Bee, Goo, Pedigree
- Ka Boom Army, War, Force
- Kilobqt Technology, Computer, Telecommunications
- Központo Bizottság Meg, Els, Volt
- Klash Ball Technology, Gaming, Entertainment, Emulator
- Knowles Building Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Koninkrijk BelgiË
- Kathryn Boyle Famous
- Kelly Brown
- Kevin Barry Technology, Island, Ireland, Irish
- Kate Benskn Business, Book, Photography, Promise
- Kilobase Pair Medical
- Klein Buendel
- C++ Keyboard Script Computing, File Extensions
- Construction Bureau Science, Space, Astronomy, Study, Scientific & Educational
- Kori Bustard
- King of Bluegrass Music
- Kashin-Bek Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Knkmin Bank
- King-James-Version-Audio-Book Technology, Bible, Magnet
- Kelakuan Baik Microsoft, Technology, Indonesia, Surat
- Kabel Bold Technology, Windows, Mac, Serif
- KöNiglichen Bibliothek
- Klemath Basin
- KriegsBesoldung (Payment of soldier's salary) Governmental & Military, Nazi regime
- Koninklijke Bijenkorf
- Kilo Bayt
- Ken Baxter Famous
- Kelly Brook Technology, Celebrity, Pic
- Kevin Bankston
- Or Kbyte* Kilobyte Technology, Science, It
- Kilobase Pairs Medical
- Kleih Bottle Technology, Design, Model
- Kleinman-Bylander Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Korean Bible Technology, Android, Language
- Kingston's Best Music
- Kasem Boonchoo
- Kishore Bharati Book, Education, Bengali, Bangla
- King'S Bench Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Keith Byars
- Kabel Bd-Normal Technology, Internet, Deutschland
- Law Reports King'S Bench Government, Law, Law Report, Judgement, Jurisprudence, International Law
- KjøBenhavns Boldklub-Copenhagen
- Kilo Bytes (1,000 Bytes) Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Koninklijke Bibliotheck
- Kifobases Medical
- Kate Barlow Famous
- Ken Brown Famous
- Kelly Bronze
- Kevin Barker Studio, Kind, Candy, Barker
- Law Reports King'S Bench Division Law, Canada, Law Report
- Kleioauerbetke Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Kilobases Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
- Korat Boys
- Kilobyte: One thousand and twenty-four bytes kbps kilo bit per second Science, Information Technology, Software, Astronomy, Computing, Computer, Telecom, Linux, Geographic, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology
- Kevin Boy
- Kasaba Bay
- Kingsolver, Barbara Book, Animal, Magnet
- Kinetic Blast
- Knowledge Builder Honeywell, Process Automation
- Kabataang Barangay Government, Youth, Philippine
- Druk Air Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Kurloff Bodi Medical
- KjøBenhavns Boldklub Sport, Club, Football
- Knowledge-Based Computing, Telecom
- Kilkbase Biology
- Katathymes Bilderleben Technology, Base, Knowledge
- Kettle Black Colors
- Kelly Bell
- Kevin Baker Technology, Book, Guide
- Kilooit Kb Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- KĄTownik Belki
- Kleihauer- Betke Medical
- Kidney and Bones Medical, Physiology
- Koperasi Buddhisme
- Kind Bud Food
- Kevin Boss
- Kevin Bloody
- Kinetic Ballooning
- Kilobit(s) Atmospheric Research
- Kabardino-Balkaria Russia, Locations, Map, Republic
- Kartoffelzucht B
- King's Book Religion
- Kilobar Science
- Katarina Bivald Book, Wheel, Magnet
- King's Bishop Chess
- Kelly-Bootle
- Kettle Bell
- Kilobics Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Künstlicxe Besamung
- Kleider Baulr
- Kick Buttowski Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Kootenay Boundary Canada, Locations, Columbia
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does KB stand for?
KB stands for Kick Boxing.
What is the shortened form of Kilobqt?
The short form of "Kilobqt" is KB.
KB. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 18). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/kb-meaning/
Last updated