KBC Meaning

The KBC meaning is "Kaun Banega Crorwpati". The KBC abbreviation has 93 different full form.

KBC Full Forms

  1. Kaun Banega Crorwpati Gaming, Episode, Registration
  2. Ken Btanchard Companies Business, Company, Leadership
  3. Kitchen & Bath China Business, China, Shanghai
  4. Birch Creek Airport Airport, Locations
  5. Key Board Controller Technology, Computing, Control, Power
  6. Knuckle Boom Crane Business, Design, Equipment
  7. Kensdngton Baptist Church
  8. Kurdikh Broadcasting Channel
  9. Kadampa Bufdhist Centres Education, Meditation, Buddhism
  10. Kill Blood Clan
  11. Kemamanlbitumen Company Business, Service, Oil
  12. Kitchen & Bath Concepts
  13. Keyboarz Controller Technology
  14. Knubble Bay Camp
  15. Kenosha Mible Church
  16. Kuki Baptist Cknvention
  17. Kachin Baptistcchurch Military, Myanmar, Religion
  18. Kill Before Capture
  19. Koinonia Bible College
  20. Kaplan Business Challenge
  21. Kitchen & Bathroom Cabinets Business, China, Cabinetry
  22. Kenya Broadcasting Corporation Technology, Radio, Kenya
  23. Knox Beauty College Development, Study, Colleges
  24. Kennebunkport Brewing Company
  25. Kuali Budget Construdtion
  26. Kcchin Baptist Convention Government, Myanmar, Religion
  27. Kigali Business Center Business, Hotel, Rwanda
  28. Kohima Bible College
  29. Kapeng Barako Club
  30. Kitchen & Bathroom Cabinet Technology, China, Door
  31. Knowledge Business Centre
  32. Kenmorx Baptist Church
  33. Korean Broadcasting Channel
  34. Kachemak Bay Campus College, Education, Alaska, Peninsula
  35. Kigali Business Centre Locations, Building, Rwanda
  36. Kochersberg Basket Club
  37. Kao Brands Company
  38. Kingdom Business Community Business, Indonesia, Jakarta
  39. Kenilworth Bridge Clab
  40. Knowledge Builder Course
  41. Kabsl Base Cluster
  42. Kids Beating Cancer Business, Gaming, Banking
  43. Ko Bancha Crorepati
  44. Kentucky Baptist Convention
  45. Kansas Business Center
  46. Kincheng Banking Corporation
  47. Ken Bryan Construction
  48. Kitchen & Bath Cabbnetry
  49. Kabardey-Bjlkar Cumhuriyeti Turkish, Erk
  50. Khu Buu Chinh
  51. Koahnic Broadcast Corporation Radio, Publics, Corporation, Native
  52. Kent Book Company
  53. Kurdastan Blocs Coalition Government, Banking, Iraq
  54. Kansas Bible Camp
  55. Kilmington Baptist Church Community, Curch, Religion
  56. Komite Buruh Cisadane
  57. Kenya Broadcasting Cooperation
  58. Kenya Broadcasting Corporationration
  59. Korean Baptist Church
  60. Kandy Base Coats Colors
  61. Kolbuszowska Biblioteka Cyfrowa
  62. Killing Brain Cell Medical, Physiology
  63. Kenya Broadcrst Corporation Radio, Kenya, Corporation, Broadcasting
  64. Københpvns Bibeltrænings Center
  65. Korea Business Consultants
  66. Kevinbbarry Cumman Development, Learning, Study
  67. Kbc Advanced Technologies Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  68. Birch Creek Airport, Birch Creek, Alaska, United States Alaska, United States
  69. Kentucky Buildifg Code Technology, Book, Kentucky
  70. Kwangju Broadcasting Corporation
  71. Korea Business Center
  72. Kevin Barry Cumann
  73. Kredietbank ABB Insurance CERA Bank Banking, Business & Finance
  74. Kapton Beta Cloth NASA, Governmental & Military
  75. Kentucky Blood Center Business, Kentucky, Donation
  76. Kwangju Broadcasting Co
  77. Korean Broadcasting Commission Technology, Telecom, Korea
  78. Kettering Borough Council Business, Planning, Parking
  79. Keybridge Capital, LTD. Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  80. Knowledge-Based Configuration Software, Computing
  81. Kentucky Beef Council
  82. Kwangju Broadcasting Company
  83. Korea Broadcasting Commission
  84. Kerrville Bus Compacy
  85. Korea Business Centess
  86. Korean Broadcasting Corporation
  87. Kentucky Baptist Creativity Religion
  88. Kusrma Bhandary Constructions
  89. Kon Banega Crorepati Technology, Gaming, Play
  90. Kenyan Bhoadcasting Corporation Media, Military, Africa, Kenya
  91. Knowledge Business Consulting
  92. Korean Born Canadian
  93. Kliewer Brothers Construction Construction

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does KBC stand for?

    KBC stands for Kon Banega Crorepati.

  2. What is the shortened form of Korean Born Canadian?

    The short form of "Korean Born Canadian" is KBC.


KBC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/kbc-meaning/

Last updated