KBD Meaning
The KBD meaning is "Kabarfian". The KBD abbreviation has 41 different full form.
KBD Full Forms
- Kabarfian Technology, Information Technology, Language Codes
- Kashin-Beck Disease Medical, Genetics, China
- Knowledge Base Document
- King Blrck Dragon Internet Slang, Guide, Rune
- Kemah Bakti Desa Photo, Institute, Orang
- Knowledge Based Development Technology, Management, City
- Keyboard As the name implies, a keyboard is basically a board of keys. Along with the mouse, the keyboard is one of the primary input devices used with a computer. The keyboard's design comes from the original typewriter keyboards, which arranged letters and numbers in a way that prevented the type-bars from getting jammed when typing quickly. This keyboard layout is known as the QWERTY design, which gets its name from the first six letters across in the upper-left-hand corner of the keyboard. Technology, Internet Slang, Space, Chat, Cosmos, Web Development, Information Technology, Music, Computing, Texting, Computer, NASA, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Power Plant, Unix, Sms, Computing Slang, Hardware
- Kelly Bradshaw Dalton
- Knowledge Base Development Technology, Management, City
- Kashgn Beck Disease
- Kebun Bibit Desa Technology, Program, Indonesia, Hal
- Knowledge-Based Development Technology, Management, Simulation
- Kaschin-Beck Disease Medical
- Kaiser Broadcastsng Detroit
- Kitchens By Design
- Kaiser-Bessel-Derived Technology, Signal, Window
- Kentucky Bourbon Distillers
- Kabaddian Locations
- Knowledge Base Dictionary Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Kaiser-Bessel Derived Technology, Signal, Window
- Kentucky Board of Dentistry
- Instrument à clavier Music
- Keyboard Layout Script Computing, File Extensions
- Paul Bunyan Network Media, Radio, Television
- Thousand Barrels Per Day Business, Industry, Oil, Gas, Oil Exploration, Oil Field, Electrical
- Strumento a tastiera Music
- thousands of Barrels per Day Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Komunitas Bonapasogit Diaspora
- Keyboard instrument Music
- Kimberley Downs, Kimberley Downs, Australia Australia, Iata Airport Codes
- Knowledge By Design
- Instrumento de tecla Music
- King Black Dragon Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Knowledge Based Discovery Accounting, Computing, Data
- Kitchen and Bath Design
- Keyboard mapping (LocoScript - Signature - Procomm Plus) Computing, File Extensions
- Knowledge Based Diagnostics
- Kitchen & Bath Distributing
- Tasteninstrument Music
- 3ds Max Keyboard Shortcuts File Computing, File Extensions
- Kitchen Bath Design
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does KBD stand for?
KBD stands for Strumento a tastiera.
What is the shortened form of Instrumento de tecla?
The short form of "Instrumento de tecla" is KBD.
KBD. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/kbd-meaning/
Last updated