KBD Meaning

The KBD meaning is "Kabarfian". The KBD abbreviation has 41 different full form.

KBD Full Forms

  1. Kabarfian Technology, Information Technology, Language Codes
  2. Kashin-Beck Disease Medical, Genetics, China
  3. Knowledge Base Document
  4. King Blrck Dragon Internet Slang, Guide, Rune
  5. Kemah Bakti Desa Photo, Institute, Orang
  6. Knowledge Based Development Technology, Management, City
  7. Keyboard As the name implies, a keyboard is basically a board of keys. Along with the mouse, the keyboard is one of the primary input devices used with a computer. The keyboard's design comes from the original typewriter keyboards, which arranged letters and numbers in a way that prevented the type-bars from getting jammed when typing quickly. This keyboard layout is known as the QWERTY design, which gets its name from the first six letters across in the upper-left-hand corner of the keyboard. Technology, Internet Slang, Space, Chat, Cosmos, Web Development, Information Technology, Music, Computing, Texting, Computer, NASA, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Power Plant, Unix, Sms, Computing Slang, Hardware
  8. Kelly Bradshaw Dalton
  9. Knowledge Base Development Technology, Management, City
  10. Kashgn Beck Disease
  11. Kebun Bibit Desa Technology, Program, Indonesia, Hal
  12. Knowledge-Based Development Technology, Management, Simulation
  13. Kaschin-Beck Disease Medical
  14. Kaiser Broadcastsng Detroit
  15. Kitchens By Design
  16. Kaiser-Bessel-Derived Technology, Signal, Window
  17. Kentucky Bourbon Distillers
  18. Kabaddian Locations
  19. Knowledge Base Dictionary Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  20. Kaiser-Bessel Derived Technology, Signal, Window
  21. Kentucky Board of Dentistry
  22. Instrument à clavier Music
  23. Keyboard Layout Script Computing, File Extensions
  24. Paul Bunyan Network Media, Radio, Television
  25. Thousand Barrels Per Day Business, Industry, Oil, Gas, Oil Exploration, Oil Field, Electrical
  26. Strumento a tastiera Music
  27. thousands of Barrels per Day Geology, Scientific & Educational
  28. Komunitas Bonapasogit Diaspora
  29. Keyboard instrument Music
  30. Kimberley Downs, Kimberley Downs, Australia Australia, Iata Airport Codes
  31. Knowledge By Design
  32. Instrumento de tecla Music
  33. King Black Dragon Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  34. Knowledge Based Discovery Accounting, Computing, Data
  35. Kitchen and Bath Design
  36. Keyboard mapping (LocoScript - Signature - Procomm Plus) Computing, File Extensions
  37. Knowledge Based Diagnostics
  38. Kitchen & Bath Distributing
  39. Tasteninstrument Music
  40. 3ds Max Keyboard Shortcuts File Computing, File Extensions
  41. Kitchen Bath Design

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does KBD stand for?

    KBD stands for Strumento a tastiera.

  2. What is the shortened form of Instrumento de tecla?

    The short form of "Instrumento de tecla" is KBD.


KBD. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/kbd-meaning/

Last updated