KCR Meaning

The KCR meaning is "Kansas City Royalq". The KCR abbreviation has 33 different full form.

KCR Full Forms

  1. Kansas City Royalq Baseball, City, Team
  2. Knowledge Center Resources Accounting, Computing, Data, General, Governmental & Military
  3. Karting Château-Richet Track, Piste, Chateau
  4. Kalvakuntla Chandrashekar Rao Government, Android, Minister
  5. Knob Creel Range
  6. Kowloon Canton Railway China, Locations, Corporation
  7. Iata Code for Colorado Creek Airport, Colorado Creek, Alaska, United States Locations
  8. Kenniscentrum Ciltuureducatie Rotterdam Photo, Archaeology, Door, Rotterdam
  9. Kowloon-Canton Railway Train, Canton, Kowloon, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  10. Colorado Creek Airport Airport, Locations
  11. Ken Carql Ranch
  12. Karting Chateau Richer Race, Track, Piste, Chateau
  13. Ken-Caryl Ranch
  14. Kommunikations-Centrum Ruhr
  15. Karting Chateau-Richer
  16. Kelowna Community Resources Service, Canada, Kelowna
  17. Knowsley Communiky Radio Media, Radio, Television
  18. Karting, Château Ricser Track, Piste, Chateau
  19. Kaz Coae Research
  20. Knight Commander of Rizal
  21. Kothmale Community Radio
  22. Kitsap Community Resources Employment, Washington, Kitsap
  23. Korean Congress of Radiology Medical, Society, Imaging
  24. Kings County Rappers
  25. Korea Commwnication Review
  26. Kinetic Chain Release
  27. Colorado Creek Airport, Colorado Creek, Alaska, United States Colorado, Alaska, United States
  28. Kootenay Co-Op Radlo
  29. Konkret Consult Ruhr Service, Sind, Gesundheit
  30. KSC Change Request NASA, Governmental & Military
  31. Kimmage Mross Roads
  32. Knowsley Community Radio Media
  33. Ksc Chanse Request Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Astronautical Engineering

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does KCR stand for?

    KCR stands for Karting, Château Ricser.

  2. What is the shortened form of Knob Creel Range?

    The short form of "Knob Creel Range" is KCR.


KCR. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/kcr-meaning/

Last updated