KD in Medical Meaning

The KD meaning in Medical terms is "Kawasaki'S Disease". There are 24 related meanings of the KD Medical abbreviation.

KD on Medical Full Forms

  1. Kawasaki'S Disease
  2. Knockdorn
  3. Kinase Domain
  4. Kinase-Dead
  5. Kennedy'S Disease
  6. Kidney Deficiency
  7. Korsakoff'S Disease
  8. Ketogenic Xiet
  9. Kinase-Deficient
  10. K-Deficieet
  11. Keshan Dipease
  12. Kimura Disease
  13. Kennedy Disease
  14. Kimura'S Disease
  15. Partition Coefficient The ratio of the concentrations of a solute in two immiscible or slightly miscible liquids, or in two solids, when it is in equilibrium across the interface between them.
  16. Kilodaltons
  17. Krabbe Disease
  18. Kidneq Disease
  19. Kostmann Disease
  20. Kawasaki Disease
  21. Knee-Disarticulation
  22. K Depletion
  23. Kdaltons
  24. Kdalton

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does KD stand for Medical?

    KD stands for Kinase-Dead in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ketogenic Xiet in Medical?

    The short form of "Ketogenic Xiet" is KD for Medical.


KD in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 18). Retrieved December 29, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/kd-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated