KDA Meaning

The KDA meaning is "Kenya Diaspora Alliance". The KDA abbreviation has 66 different full form.

KDA Full Forms

  1. Kenya Diaspora Alliance Government, Kenya, Kenyan
  2. Kentucky Department of Agriculture Agriculture, Kentucky, Hemp, Farming & agriculture
  3. Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace Technology, Missile, Military
  4. Knowledge, Development Andxapplication
  5. Karate Development Arts Sport, Organizations, Philippine
  6. Korean Dental Association Medical, Health, Dentistry
  7. Kevin Daly Architects Technology, Architecture, Projection
  8. Kresna Duta Agroindo
  9. Kolda North Airport Kolda, Senegal Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  10. Knowledge, Development, and Application
  11. Karachi Development Authority Locations, Pakistan, Karachi
  12. Knowledge Design Architectare Accounting, Computing, Data
  13. Ketchum Directory Advertising Business, Agency, Marketing
  14. Kramer Design Associates Business, Toronto, Heraldry
  15. Kilodalton Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  16. Klein Dytham Architewture Organization, Union, Institution
  17. Kill Death Assist Gaming, League, Legend
  18. Kansas Dietetic Association
  19. Knouledge Driven Automation
  20. Kernel Discriminant Analysis Technology, Engineering, Recognition
  21. Kouga Development Agency
  22. Klein Dermavology & Associates
  23. Keyword Density Analysis
  24. Kachin Defence Army
  25. Knowsedge-Driven Automation
  26. Kenya Dental Association Medical, Smile, Kenya
  27. Kotelawala Defence Academy Military, Force, Operation
  28. Kitchen Distributors of America Business, Design, Cabinet
  29. Keyword Density Analyzer Technology, Pilot, Engine
  30. K-Rep Development Agency
  31. Knowledge-Bgsed Database Assistant
  32. Kazaa Download Accelerator
  33. Korean Diabetes Association Medical, Education, Korea
  34. Knowledge Design Architecture Accounting, Computing, Data, General, Governmental & Military
  35. Key Driver Analysis Business, Driving, Analytics
  36. Khulna Development Authority Business, Control, Bangladesh
  37. Knowledge Decelopment and Application
  38. Katonah Debt Advisors
  39. Korean Dermatological Association
  40. Kilodaltons Medical, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
  41. Key Development Areas
  42. Kring Der Alchemisten
  43. Kills-Deaths-Assists Gaming, League, Legend
  44. Kurnia Djaya Alam
  45. Kdalton Medical
  46. Kirchlicher Dienst In Der Arbeitswelt Sind, Berlin, Hat
  47. Komanditno drushestwo s akzii Company, Business & Finance
  48. Kills, Deaths, Assists
  49. Kuratoriums Deutsche Altenhilfe
  50. Kirchlichen Dienstes In Der Arbeitswelt Sind, Hamburg, Deutschland
  51. Kendell Airlines Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  52. Kuratoriums Deutsche Altershilfe
  53. Kirchlichen Dienst In Der Arbeitswelt Sind, Hamburg, Deutschland
  54. Knowledge Development Application
  55. Kuratorium Deutsche Altenhilfe
  56. Kirchliche Dienst In Der Arbeitswelt Forum, Sind, Hat
  57. Knee Disarticulation
  58. Kuratorium Deutsche Altershilfe Technology, Shopping, Gesundheit
  59. Kilodalton, Dalton Chemistry, Science, Biology
  60. KöLner Design Akademie
  61. Kirkland Downtown Assn
  62. Kuansing Dalam Angka
  63. Kills Deaths Assists Gaming, League, Legend
  64. Kuwait Dental Association Medical, Dentistry, Kuwait
  65. Kirkland Downtown Association
  66. Kolda North, Kolda, Senegal Senegal, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does KDA stand for?

    KDA stands for Knowledge Design Architecture.

  2. What is the shortened form of Karate Development Arts?

    The short form of "Karate Development Arts" is KDA.


KDA. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/kda-meaning/

Last updated