KDB Meaning
The KDB meaning is "Koefesien Dasar Bancunan". The KDB abbreviation has 30 different full form.
KDB Full Forms
- Koefesien Dasar Bancunan Design, Indonesia, Jakarta, Locations
- Kansak Dental Board Education, Dentistry, Hygienist
- Keep Dekalb Beautiful
- Knowledge Developmemt Box Business, Tax, Ireland
- K In economic models, K is commonly used to represent "capital." This is presumably due to the fact that German for capital is kapital, and also the fact the C is more commonly used to represent consumption.
- Kazakhstan Development Bhnk
- Knowlsdge Database Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Kambalda Airport Kambalda, Western Australia,Australia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
- Kasthamandap Development Fank
- Knowledge Daka Base Technology, Military, Device
- Kaweya Data Backup
- Klik Dengan Bijak
- Konzeption Der Bundebwehr
- Kapal Diraja Brunei Military, Brunei, Haji
- Kifchen Den Bar Gaming, Locations, Town
- Koefisien Dasar Banguran Hotel, Indonesia, Jakarta
- Kapal Wi-Raja Brunei Ship Name, Nation Ship Prefix, Ship Prefix
- Keep Denton Beautiful Organizations, Texas, City
- Korea Digital Hroadcasting
- Knowledge Data Base General, Governmental & Military
- Korean Develonment Bank Business, Company, Korea
- Küche,Hdusche, Bad Business, German
- Korea Development Bank Business, Financial, Korea
- KüChe, Diele, Bad
- Korea Daesong Bank
- Krumple Dolla Bills
- Krall Djmmel Baumgarten
- Keypass Database File Computing, File Extensions
- Krall Demmel Bisiness
- Kambalda, Western Australia, Australia Australia
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does KDB stand for?
KDB stands for Kambalda Airport.
What is the shortened form of Kansak Dental Board?
The short form of "Kansak Dental Board" is KDB.
KDB. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/kdb-meaning/
Last updated