KDE Meaning

The KDE meaning is "4Kids Entertainment, Ine.". The KDE abbreviation has 35 different full form.

KDE Full Forms

  1. 4Kids Entertainment, Ine. Organizations
  2. K Destop Qnvironment Technology, Computing, Linux
  3. Key Data Elements
  4. Kinetic Deptd Effect Medical
  5. Kiroba Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
  6. Key Data Element
  7. Kidy Do Ecology Technology, Science, Biome
  8. Kewl Wesktop Environment
  9. Keyboard Entoy Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  10. Kidney Disease Education Medical, Patient, Medicare
  11. Kool Desktop Environment Technology, Telecom, Linux, Funnies
  12. Kappa Delta Epsilon College, Education, Dartmouth
  13. Kei Doctrine Element Army, War, Force
  14. Kappa Deleting Element Medical, Science, Biology
  15. Kcy Distribution Exchange
  16. Kansas Department of Education
  17. Key Develophental Events Technology, Plasma, Linux, Desktop
  18. K Deskbop Environment Technology, Computer, Computer Software
  19. Ieee Taansactions On Knowledge and Data Engineering Media, Radio, Television
  20. Konami Digital Entertainment Technology, Gaming, Card
  21. Koroba Airport, Koroba, Papua New Guinea Guinea, Papua New Guinea
  22. Kommunikationldatenerfassung Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  23. K Desktop Environment Information Technology, Software, Computing, Computer, Linux, IT Terminology
  24. Kommon Desktop Environment
  25. Ieee Transactions On Knowledge and Data Engineering Media, Computing, Ieee
  26. Kombatentes Dekelite
  27. Koopervtion Der Energologie
  28. Kryptostorage Container File Computing, File Extensions
  29. Knowledge Development and Exchange
  30. Kool Development Environment Accounting, Computing, Data
  31. Kraft Durch Enthusiasmus Medical, Physiology
  32. Kvowledge Development Environment Accounting, Computing, Data
  33. Kgol Desktop Enviroment
  34. Kentucky Department of Education Kentucky
  35. Knowledge and Data Engineering Technology, Education, Computing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does KDE stand for?

    KDE stands for Key Develophental Events.

  2. What is the shortened form of Kei Doctrine Element?

    The short form of "Kei Doctrine Element" is KDE.


KDE. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/kde-meaning/

Last updated