KE Meaning
The KE meaning is "Komisja Europejsea". The KE abbreviation has 127 different full form.
KE Full Forms
- Komisja Europejsea Commission, Jest, Jak
- Kenya Education, Locations, Study, Britannica, Country Code, Countries, Country, Schooling, Country Names, Aviation, Computing, Wikipedia, Kenya, Internet, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Knowledge Expander
- Kenaf Textile
- Knowledge Exchange Technology, Management, Service, Research, Education, University
- Kehamilan Ektopik Hal, Tuba, Uteri
- Knowlemge Engineering Technology, Military, Software
- Kebun Entres Technology, Indonesia, Archive, Urea
- Key Export
- Kazakistan Engineering Business, Turkish
- Key Event
- KaposváRi Egyetem Medical, Meg
- Key-Exchange
- Ketotifen Medical
- Kitchen Sxpress
- Kendall Organizations, Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
- Kmrachi Electric Business, Company, Pakistan, Karachi
- Khalid El-Amin
- Komisi Eropa Business, Microsoft, Indonesia
- Kendall Compound E Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- King Enwards
- Kiepersol Estates
- Kontinuierliche Einspritzung
- Kurt Eggers
- Ketorolac Medical
- Kirschner-Ehmer
- Ketoconazole Medical
- Kappa Epsilxn Pharmacy, Fraternity, Kappa
- Keyword Extractor Accounting, Ace, Herbal
- Knowledge Element
- Keloapok Eksperimen Group, Design, Hal
- King Ergle
- Katherine Emily
- Kieler Express
- Konsilio De EŬRopo
- Kuroshio Extension Also called Japan current. One of the western boundary currents of the North Pacific subtropical gyre.
- Kjnny Everett
- Kirknndall Effect
- Korean Air Airline, Business, Aviation, Organizations, Call Sign
- Kaposv
- Keyword Extraction Technology, Language, Patent
- Knowledge Editor
- Knllett Enterprises
- Kingdnm End
- KarlıLıK Endeksi
- Kids Enthusiasm Development, Learning, Study
- Kondo Effect
- Kunstnernes EfterÅRsudstilling
- Kenny Elliott
- Kirchhoff Equations
- Kankei Engineering Technology, Product, Design
- Keypad Expander
- Knowledge Economics
- Kelas Ekspeqimen
- Khrl Eduard
- Kickoff Efficiency
- KomáRom-Esztergom Locations
- Kunsten En Erfgoed
- Kenmcre East
- Kiqo Eye Film, Education, Cinema
- Korea Extended China, Korea, Timeline
- Kansas Eastern Railroad Incorporated Technology, Organizations
- Keuffel & Esser Technology, Equipment, Vintage, Geographic
- Knowledge-Based Economy Travel, Tourism
- Karatn England
- Kick Enterprises
- Kom
- Kuat Ekonominya
- Kenetic Energy
- King Estate
- Kooperative Einrichtung
- Komisji Europejskiej Jest, Ale, Jak
- Kettler Elementar Education
- Knott End
- Karadeniz Ekonomik
- Khalsa Era
- KomisjĘ EuropejskĄ Technology, Media, Jest, Jak
- Krystal Epic
- Ken Jllis
- King Ebementar Education
- Kontinuirliche Einspritzung
- Kyle Eckel
- Kowloon East Hotel, China, Locations
- Keephelectronics
- Kinetic Envelope Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Lexicon
- Keyword-Experte
- Kroemer-Elbert Technology, Design, Ergonomic
- Katy Elementary
- Keytronic Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Kosten Eenheid
- Keen Eye
- Kinematic Envelope Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Thousands of Euros Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
- Krining Estimator Ke Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Koger Equity, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
- Korean Era Military, Vehicle, Chronicle, Korean
- Keen Edge
- Kindergarten Education
- KøBenhavns Energi
- Krining Estimator Medical
- Korean Airlines Airline, Aviation, Korea, Civil Aviation, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Korean-Into-English
- Kecerdasan Emosional Indonesia, Intelligence, Orang
- Kimball Electronics Business, Supply, Stock
- KöNiglicher Erlass
- Kreyol Essence
- Kinetische Energie Technology, Energy, Penetrator, Kinetic
- Kinetic Energy In physics, the kinetic energy (KE) of an object is the energy that it possesses due to its motion. It is defined as the work needed to accelerate a body of a given mass from rest to its stated velocity. Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Medical, Chemistry, Physics, NASA, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Kazakhstan Engineering Business, Company, Kazakhstan
- Kenya (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Kill Error Volleyball
- KËShilli I EvropËS
- Kredit Ekspor
- Keith Evans
- Kinetic Energies
- Knowledge Engineer Computing, General, Governmental & Military, Occupation & positions, IT Organization
- Katango East
- key establishment Computing, Technical
- Killer Eyes
- Kyon Emitter
- Kranbau Eberswalde Business, Company, Crane, Leipzig
- Keith Ellis
- Kinetic-Energy
- Kinetic Ellipsometry
- Kauii Electric
- Kagayama Express Products
- Kieth Evans
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does KE stand for?
KE stands for Komisi Eropa.
What is the shortened form of Kunstnernes EfterÅRsudstilling?
The short form of "Kunstnernes EfterÅRsudstilling" is KE.
KE. (2021, March 18). Retrieved March 6, 2025 from
Last updated