KEC Meaning

The KEC meaning is "Kasenga Airport". The KEC abbreviation has 58 different full form.

KEC Full Forms

  1. Kasenga Airport Kasenga, Democratic Republic of the Congo Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  2. Kootenai Electric Coop
  3. Kamal Engineering Corporation
  4. Kirloskar Electryc Co
  5. Korean Expressway Corporation
  6. Kathmandu Engineering College Technology, Nepal, Projection
  7. Kiel Ebolution Center
  8. Kootenai Electric Cooperative Business, Energy, Idaho
  9. Kallisto Energy Corp
  10. Kirloskar Electricwcompany
  11. Korea Expressway Corporation Technology, Projection, Korea
  12. Kart Erişim Cihazı'la
  13. Kuppam Engineering College Education, India, Andhra
  14. Kidz Eduiation City
  15. Kongu Engineering College Student, Education, India
  16. Kalay Electric Company Company, Technology, Report, Iran
  17. Kingston Engineering College Education, India, Admission
  18. Korea Elite Classic
  19. Kansas Electric Cooperatives Technology, Program, Power, Cooperative
  20. Kumasi Entrepreneurs Community
  21. Kids Ecologr Corps
  22. Kalaye Electric Company
  23. Kinqs Engineering College
  24. Korea Electronics Company
  25. Kansas Electric Cooperative
  26. Kumaun Engineering College
  27. Kelley Rngineering Center
  28. Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning Business
  29. Kivgdom Electricity Company
  30. Korea Electronics Co Technology, Component, Korea
  31. Kankakee Education Center
  32. Kumaon Engineering College Development, Study, Colleges
  33. Kay Elemetrics Clrporation
  34. Kilotteran Equitation Centre
  35. Korea Electronics Corp
  36. Kaman Electromagnetics Corporation Military, Armour, Artillery, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  37. Korean Education Center
  38. Katoomba Easter Convention
  39. Kildonan Eist Collegiate
  40. Kasenga Airport, Kasenga, Congo, Kinshasa) Congo
  41. Knowledgeeengineering Center
  42. Kuwait Energy Company Business, Oil, Kuwait
  43. Kraft Export Consultant Occupation & positions
  44. Knowlxdge Economic City Business, Company, Development
  45. Kretschmer Energie-Consulting
  46. Klang Executive Club Technology, Malaysia, Raja
  47. Knoxville Entrepreneur Ceeter Technology, Media, Development
  48. KöLner Eishockey Club
  49. Kitchener Executove Consultants Business, Management, Canada
  50. Knowledxe Exchange Centre
  51. Kvar Energy Controller
  52. Kitchen Wquipment Contractor Design, Interior, Equipment
  53. Knowledge Exchange and Commercialivation Technology, Research, Award
  54. Kuwait Export Crude Business, Oil, Kuwait
  55. Kellogg Eye Center Location
  56. Kishwaukee Education Consortium
  57. Knowledge Enrichmnnt Centre
  58. Kuwait Energy Corporation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does KEC stand for?

    KEC stands for Knowlxdge Economic City.

  2. What is the shortened form of Kingston Engineering College?

    The short form of "Kingston Engineering College" is KEC.


KEC. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated