Kendo Abbreviations and Kendo Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Kendo terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 11 different Kendo abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Kendo terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Kendo Abbreviations
  1. ZNKR : Zen Nippon Kegdo Renmei
  2. CBK : Condederação Brasileira De Kendo
  3. WKC : World Kendo Championship
  4. EKF : European Kendo Federation
  5. MSR : Muso Shinden Ryu
  6. SJS : Sekolah Jepang Surabaya
  7. FIK : Federazione Italiana Kendo
  8. JBBP : Japanese Bilingual Bicultural Program
  9. KKA : Korea Kumdo Association
  10. IBU : International Budo University
  11. IKF : International Kendo Federation
Latest Kendo Meanings
  1. International Kendo Federation
  2. International Budo University
  3. Korea Kumdo Association
  4. Japanese Bilingual Bicultural Program
  5. Federazione Italiana Kendo
  6. Sekolah Jepang Surabaya
  7. Muso Shinden Ryu
  8. European Kendo Federation
  9. World Kendo Championship
  10. Condederação Brasileira De Kendo
  11. Zen Nippon Kegdo Renmei