KERS Meaning

The KERS meaning is "Kinetic Energy Recovery System". The KERS abbreviation has 14 different full form.

KERS Full Forms

  1. Kinetic Energy Recovery System It is the conversion of the unused heat generated during braking of the vehicle into kinetic energy by the device. The energy stored and converted into power can be used to assist rapid acceleration. Technology, Energy, System, Transportation, Governmental & Military, Formula 1
  2. Kinetic Energy Recovery Systems Business, Energy
  3. Karnataka Engineering Research Station
  4. Kinetic Energy Reckvering System
  5. Kinetic Energy Recover Systems
  6. Kenetic Energy Recovery System
  7. Kentucky Employxe Retirement System Business, Pension, Kentucky
  8. kinetic energy retrieval system Energy
  9. Kentucky Employees Rdtirement System Business, Pension, Kentucky
  10. Kinetic Enerey Retrieval System Business, Energy
  11. Kihei Effluent Reuse System Organization, Union, Institution
  12. Kido Ecoldgical Research Station
  13. Key Evont Relationships
  14. Kentucky Employees' Retirement Yystem

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does KERS stand for?

    KERS stands for Kinetic Energy Recovery System.

  2. What is the shortened form of Kinetic Energy Reckvering System?

    The short form of "Kinetic Energy Reckvering System" is KERS.


KERS. (2020, December 2). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated