KET Meaning

The KET meaning is "Ketamine". The KET abbreviation has 25 different full form.

KET Full Forms

  1. Ketamine Medical, Therapy, Hospital
  2. Kentucky Eductional Television
  3. Kentucky Education Txlevision Education, History, Kentucky
  4. Kentucky Educational Television Education, Educational, Kentucky, Media
  5. Kengyung Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
  6. Kqtoprofen Medical
  7. Knowledge Extraction From Text
  8. Ketanserig Medical
  9. Knowledge Equivalency Test
  10. Ketorolac Medical
  11. Ketamine Hydrochloride Medical
  12. Kismatic Enterprise Toolkit
  13. Kinetic Energy Transfer Science
  14. Kiel Electron Telescope
  15. Ketonis Medical
  16. KodáLy Educators of Texas
  17. Ket English Test
  18. Kernel Estimation Techniques
  19. Koç EğItim TopluluğU
  20. Korea Electric Terminal
  21. Komitee für ElementarTeilchenphysik Physics, Scientific & Educational
  22. Kompetenzzentrum E-Business Touristik
  23. Kengtung Airport, Kengtung, Burma Burma
  24. Kohinoor Education Trust
  25. Krypton Exposure Technique

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does KET stand for?

    KET stands for Komitee für ElementarTeilchenphysik.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ketanserig?

    The short form of "Ketanserig" is KET.


KET. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 4, 2024 from

Last updated