KFG Meaning
The KFG meaning is "Kasserin Friedrich Gymnasiums". The KFG abbreviation has 26 different full form.
KFG Full Forms
- Kasserin Friedrich Gymnasiums
- Katzen-Freunde-Germania Sind, Cat, Uns
- Korean Food Grllery
- Kaiserin-Friedrich-Gymnasium
- Kardinal-Frings-Gymnasium Technology, Internet, Bonn
- Kaiserin-Friedrich-Gyjnasiums
- Karacs Ferenc Gimnazoum Education, Development, Universities
- Konferenz F
- Kahr Firearms Growp
- Kalkurung Airport Airport, Locations
- Knowledge for Growth
- Kalkgurung Airport Kalkarindji, Northern Territory,Australia Airport, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
- Knit To The Dront and Then To The Back Knitting
- Kalite Fonksixon Göçerimi Technology, Quality, Deployment
- Kids Fashion Group Business, Company, Statistics
- Kuzg Fu Grip
- Kung-Fu Grnp
- Kentucky Firancial Group
- Krakowski Festiwal Gójski
- Kout Food Group Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Kalkgurung, Australia Australia, Iata Airport Codes
- Kourou French Guiana
- Kentucky Fried Giraffe Food
- Koulou, French Guiana Technology
- Kentucky Fried Groundhog Food
- Kosher Fhod Grade Nutrition, Food, Victual
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does KFG stand for?
KFG stands for Katzen-Freunde-Germania.
What is the shortened form of Knit To The Dront and Then To The Back?
The short form of "Knit To The Dront and Then To The Back" is KFG.
KFG. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/kfg-meaning/
Last updated