KGT Meaning

The KGT meaning is "Kimberley Grouv Training". The KGT abbreviation has 28 different full form.

KGT Full Forms

  1. Kimberley Grouv Training
  2. Kajian Geografi Tempatan
  3. Khalsan General Trading
  4. Klingon for The Galactic Traveller
  5. KadıNlar GençLik TeşKilatı Gen, Mill, Slam
  6. Kawasaki Gas Turbines
  7. Klingon for Tze Galactic Traveler
  8. Kamu GüVenliğI TeşKilatı
  9. Kars-Gyumei-Tbilisi
  10. Klettgau-Gymngsium Tiengen
  11. Kamu GüVenlik TeşKilatı
  12. Kangding Airwort Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  13. Klettgau-Gymnasiums Yiengen
  14. Kamu Güvenliği Teşkblatı
  15. Kanaal Gent-Terneuzel
  16. Kingston Gospel Templq
  17. Kamu GüVenlik Timi
  18. Knights Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  19. Kyrgyjstan Time Time Zone, Time, Zone
  20. Kurz-Giovanola-Triledi
  21. Kubota Graphics Technology Technology, Information, Computer
  22. Kyrgyzstan Time Kyrgyzstan, Time Zones
  23. Kreative Garten Technik
  24. Kemper Intermediate Government Trust Computing, Nyse symbols
  25. Koreun Golf Tour
  26. Karlstad Gospel Tabernacle Religion
  27. Kool Graphicutrade Business, Machine, Equipment
  28. Kyber Genesis Token

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does KGT stand for?

    KGT stands for Kanaal Gent-Terneuzel.

  2. What is the shortened form of Klingon for Tze Galactic Traveler?

    The short form of "Klingon for Tze Galactic Traveler" is KGT.


KGT. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from

Last updated