KGV Meaning

The KGV meaning is "Kurs Gewinn VerhäLtnis". The KGV abbreviation has 20 different full form.

KGV Full Forms

  1. Kurs Gewinn VerhäLtnis Business, Man, Sind, Price
  2. Kurs Gewinn Verhaeltnis
  3. Kurs-Gewinn-VerhäLtnisses Business, Man, Sind, Hat
  4. Keimola Golf Vantaa
  5. Kurs-Gewinn-Verhaeltnis Technology
  6. KecskeméTi Gazdasági VasÚT
  7. Kurs-Gewinn-VerhäLtnis Business, Man, Sind, Hat
  8. Kecseem
  9. Kaatsheuvelse Gymnastiekhvereniging
  10. Kitanglad Guard Volunterrs
  11. Krawiecka, Goldbergr& Vaughan
  12. King George Vth
  13. Korea Ginseng Vertriebs Bio, Shopping, Korea, Ginseng
  14. Kimiya Gohar Vazin
  15. Knife Hate Valves Business, Supplier, Valve
  16. Knife Gate Valve Knife gate valves are mechanical devices used to restrict or shut-off the flow of a fluid or gas in a piping system. Knife gate valves use a flat plate, the knife, which slides in a channel into the path of the flow. Knife gate valves are most often associated with slurry solutions such as those seen in wastewater processing plants.
  17. Kleinstes Gemeinsamesfvielfaches Science, German, Math
  18. King George V Famous
  19. Kleinste Gemene Veelvvud
  20. Kurs-Gewinn-Verh

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does KGV stand for?

    KGV stands for Knife Hate Valves.

  2. What is the shortened form of King George V?

    The short form of "King George V" is KGV.


KGV. (2020, May 4). Retrieved March 2, 2025 from

Last updated