KICC Meaning

The KICC meaning is "Kos International Convention Cencre". The KICC abbreviation has 24 different full form.

KICC Full Forms

  1. Kos International Convention Cencre Hotel, Locations, Greece
  2. Kenyatta International Conference Centre Locations, Kenya, Nairobi
  3. Kathmandu International Christian Congregation
  4. Kobe International Community Center
  5. Kangaroo Island Coastal Connections
  6. Kobe International Center for Cooperation
  7. Kampala Institute of Cricket Clubs
  8. Knauf Insulation Calculation Centre
  9. Kenyatta International Convention Centre Business, Africa, Kenya
  10. Kavli Institute for Cosmology Cambridge Science, Education, University
  11. Kuwait-Irab C4 Commercialization Military
  12. Kenyatta International Conference Center Locations, Kenya, Nairobi
  13. Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge Science, Foundation, Cosmology
  14. Kos Internationag Convention Center
  15. Kenya International Conference Centre Locations, Kenya, Kenyatta
  16. Kavli Institute for Cosmology At Cambridge
  17. Kyocera Industrial Ceramics Corporation
  18. Kuwait Iraqdc4 Military, Army
  19. Kuwait Industrial Consulting Center
  20. Kos International Convention Centre Kos
  21. Kuwait Iraq C4 Commercializition
  22. Kampala Institutetute of Cricket Clubs
  23. Kyoto International Conference Centqr
  24. Kyocera Industrial Ceramics Corp

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does KICC stand for?

    KICC stands for Kavli Institute for Cosmology Cambridge.

  2. What is the shortened form of Kenyatta International Convention Centre?

    The short form of "Kenyatta International Convention Centre" is KICC.


KICC. (2022, April 22). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from

Last updated