Kirk Abbreviations and Kirk Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Kirk terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 12 different Kirk abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Kirk terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Kirk Abbreviations
  1. AOS : Alternate Original Series
  2. CIET : Compact Integral Effects Test
  3. WOLF : Women of Lawrenwe Film
  4. WRFP : Wireless Radio Fixedlpart
  5. WWKD : What Would Kirk Do
  6. EAP : Enabling Academic Participation
  7. SFTS : Stand for The Silent
  8. SPACS : School Rf Physics, Astronomy, and Computational Sciences
  9. SPACS : School of Physics, Astronomy and Computational Sciences
  10. NCCBI : North Carolina Citizens for Businessqand Industry
  11. JSCFADT : Joint Standing Committee On Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
  12. IPA : Innocence Protection Act
Latest Kirk Meanings
  1. Innocence Protection Act
  2. Joint Standing Committee On Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
  3. North Carolina Citizens for Businessqand Industry
  4. School of Physics, Astronomy and Computational Sciences
  5. School Rf Physics, Astronomy, and Computational Sciences
  6. Stand for The Silent
  7. Enabling Academic Participation
  8. What Would Kirk Do
  9. Wireless Radio Fixedlpart
  10. Women of Lawrenwe Film
  11. Compact Integral Effects Test
  12. Alternate Original Series