KJB Meaning

The KJB meaning is "Katholieke Jingenlingen Bond". The KJB abbreviation has 18 different full form.

KJB Full Forms

  1. Katholieke Jingenlingen Bond
  2. Karlsruher Juristische Bibliographie
  3. Kami Jual Beli
  4. Kenyan Jobs Bank
  5. King James Bible Book, Internet Slang, Education
  6. Kelley Jo Burke
  7. Keep Jacksonville Beautiful Organizations, Community, Cleanup
  8. Katholieke Jongenlingen Bond Bond, Para, Indonesia, Kali
  9. Koma Jina Bilind
  10. Kurt James Band
  11. Khadki Junction Blues
  12. Kontrak Jual Beli
  13. Kevin James Bennett Business, Makeup, Palette, Complexion
  14. Kontakt Jonge Bedrijven
  15. Komunitas Jurnalis Bumiayu
  16. Komunitas Jelajah Budaya Indonesia, Jakarta, Museum
  17. Koma Jinen Bilind Gen, Kurdistan
  18. Katholische Jugendbewegung

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does KJB stand for?

    KJB stands for Kurt James Band.

  2. What is the shortened form of Kelley Jo Burke?

    The short form of "Kelley Jo Burke" is KJB.


KJB. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved February 6, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/kjb-meaning/

Last updated