KML Meaning

The KML meaning is "Kamileroi Airport". The KML abbreviation has 50 different full form.

KML Full Forms

  1. Kamileroi Airport Kamileroi, Queensland,Australia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
  2. Kleider Machen Leute
  3. Kangaroo Metals Limited
  4. Kronik MiyelojenöZ LöSemi
  5. Knowledge Management Leadership Business, Management, Administration, Goverance, Business & Finance
  6. Keck Memorial Library Education
  7. Kit Main Libre Auto, Peugeot, Audi, Kit
  8. Carmel Container Systems Limited Organizations
  9. Knowledge Management and Learning Business, Technology, Health
  10. Katanga Mining Limited Business, Mineral, Copper
  11. Keys Marine Laboratory Science, Florida, Oceanography
  12. Keyhole Markup Language Technology, Language, Earth, Software, Computing, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, Sentinel online
  13. Knowledge Management Language
  14. Karma Member Lounge
  15. Keynvor Morlift Ltd Technology, Service, Wind
  16. Knowledge Management Laboratory The Knowledge Management Laboratory (KMLab) is a non-profit organization that works in the field of knowledge management, with a focus on technology management. Its main purpose is to promote local and regional development by combining sophisticated viewpoints obtained through scientific study with real-world experience in the sector.
  17. Karlen Memorial Library Education
  18. Kronik Myeloid LöSemi-1 Technology, Tube, Semi
  19. Keyhole Modeling Language Literature, Language, Linguistics
  20. Knight Memorial Library Education
  21. Karara Mining Limited Business, Australia, Ore
  22. Kronik Myeloid Lsemi
  23. Knowledge Media Lab Technology, Science, Learning
  24. Keyhole Mark-Up Language Technology, Earth, Map
  25. Kling Memorial Library Education
  26. Karachi Mechanical Laboratories
  27. Kronik Myeloid LöSemi Turkish, Semi, Myeloid
  28. Knowledge Markup Language Technology, Base, Modeling
  29. Keyhold Markup Language Technology, Earth, Map, Geographic
  30. Kompetenznetzes Maligne Lymphome
  31. Keyhole Markup Language File The Keyhole Markup Language (KML) is an XML format for expressing geographic annotation and visualization in two- and three-dimensional maps and Earth browsers. KML was created for use with Google Earth, formerly known as Keyhole Earth Viewer. Computing, File Extensions
  32. Kursus Mahir Lanjutan Para, Indonesia, Pita
  33. Kolej Matrikulasi Labuan Business, Student, Program, Matriculation
  34. Kamileroi, Queensland, Australia Australia
  35. Kronik Miyeloid LöSemi Art, Turkish
  36. Kronik Myelositik LöSemi
  37. Kohinoor Mills Limited Business, Pakistan, Textile
  38. Kedit Macro Library Computing, File Extensions
  39. Kreisbahn Mansfelder Land Company, Africa, Railway
  40. Kronik Myelositer LöSemi Turkish, Semi
  41. Knutson Memorial Library Education
  42. Carmel Containers Systems, LTD. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  43. Kothe Memorial Library Education
  44. Knowledge Media Laboratory
  45. Key Management List
  46. Korean Mountaineering League
  47. Kustom Material Laminators Business, Machinery, Stile
  48. Kompetenznetz Maligne Lymphome
  49. Kurita Mobile Laboratory
  50. Kurth Memorial Library Education

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does KML stand for?

    KML stands for Keck Memorial Library.

  2. What is the shortened form of Kamileroi Airport?

    The short form of "Kamileroi Airport" is KML.


KML. (2022, March 26). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from

Last updated