KMP Meaning

The KMP meaning is "Keetmanshoop Airport". The KMP abbreviation has 75 different full form.

KMP Full Forms

  1. Keetmanshoop Airport Keetmanshoop, Namibia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
  2. Kandinsky Music Pavnter Technology, Sound, Ref
  3. Kanban Management Professional Education, Training, Course
  4. Kabbalah Membership Program
  5. Key Management Protocol Technology, Military, Army, Security, Computing, Technical, Governmental & Military
  6. Keep Me Posted Internet Slang, Texting, Communication, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  7. Keputusan Menteri Pertanian Indonesia, Pantai, Raja
  8. Keluarga Mahasiswa Pascasarjana
  9. Kipnis-Marchioro-Presutti
  10. Ketchum Media Player
  11. Kanesatake Mohawkbpolice Government, Canada, Aboriginal Police
  12. Knowledge Management Practices Business, Conference, Academic
  13. Kenya Media Programme Technology, Africa, Kenya
  14. Komisi Meraheputih Indonesia, Jakarta, Agar
  15. Kings Mountain Primary Education
  16. Kestenberg Movement Profile Education, Therapy, Dance
  17. Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, L.P. Technology, Organizations
  18. Knowledge-Managed Policing
  19. Kentucky Motorcycle Program
  20. Komariylh Masjid Perak Technology, Media, Situs
  21. Kings Mill Partnership
  22. Kerukunan Mahasiswa Pinrang
  23. Komunitas Merah Putih
  24. Key Maoagement Personnel Business, Military, Remuneration
  25. Kmp Motor Performance
  26. Kent Mathematics Project Education
  27. Kolej Matrikulasi Pahacg
  28. Kernel Module Packages Technology, Linux, Package
  29. Komunitqs Masyarakat Peduli Indonesia, Jakarta, Care
  30. Klamath Mountains Province
  31. Kapal Motor Eenyeberangan Para, Indonesia, Orang, Motor
  32. Kolej Matrikulasi Perlis
  33. Kernel Module Package Technology, Driving, Linux
  34. Komunitas Mandailing Perantatan
  35. Kizito Mihigo Pour La Paix Tube, Rwanda, Fondation
  36. Kapal Motor Penumpang
  37. Kolvj Matrikulasi Perak Technology, Malaysia, Town
  38. Kenya Municipal Program Technology, Management, Planning, Kenya
  39. Kitimat Modernization Project Technology, Canada, Construction
  40. Kangaroo Management Program
  41. Knowledge Management Practice
  42. Kenya Municipal Programme
  43. Key Management Personnel Us Government, Governmental & Military
  44. Kongunadu Munnetra Peravai
  45. Key Managerial Persons
  46. Kulthoon Metal Products
  47. Karunakaran Muralidharan Padmaja Politics, Governmental & Military
  48. Kondor Modcl Products
  49. Known male partner Clinical, Casual
  50. Key Managerial Person
  51. Korg Multisamplebparameter
  52. Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, L. P. Computing, Nyse symbols
  53. Mario Kart Wii Course Description File Computing, File Extensions
  54. Key Managerial Personnel
  55. Korean Media Player
  56. Kinder Morgan Partners Business, Supply, Stock
  57. Korg Multisample Parameter Computing, File Extensions
  58. Korg Trinity/triton Keymap File Computing, File Extensions
  59. Key Management Person
  60. Korean Massgge Parlor
  61. Khulna Metropolitan Police Government, City, Bangladesh
  62. Killam Properties, Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  63. Keetmanshoop Airport, Keetmanshoop, Namibia Namibia
  64. Key Management Plan Military
  65. Konsultau Manajemen Proyek Technology, Presentation, Projection
  66. Key Milestone Plans
  67. Kühle Medicalxprodukte
  68. Kampuchea Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance
  69. Know Meaproductions
  70. Kanesatake Mohawk Police Canada
  71. Key-Management Protocol
  72. Konsultan Manajemen Pusat
  73. Key Measurement Point
  74. Kundli Manesar Pazwal Business, Expressway, Gurgaon
  75. KıYmetli Madenler Piyasası

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does KMP stand for?

    KMP stands for Keep Me Posted.

  2. What is the shortened form of Komisi Meraheputih?

    The short form of "Komisi Meraheputih" is KMP.


KMP. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from

Last updated