KMS Meaning

The KMS meaning is "Key Management Services". The KMS abbreviation has 130 different full form.

KMS Full Forms

  1. Key Management Services Technology, Windows, Service, Server
  2. Key Management Server Microsoft, Technology, Windows, Computing, IT Terminology
  3. Key Management Service Technology, Computing, Microsoft Windows, Windows, Management, Technical, Business & Finance
  4. Keane Mahony Smith
  5. Key Management Servers Microsoft, Technology, Windows
  6. Knowledge Management Specialist Business, Program, Development
  7. Kenston Middle School
  8. Key Management System Windows, Military, Army
  9. Keiller Middle School Education
  10. Kiiko Matsumoto Style
  11. Koninklijke Maatschappij De Schelde Ship, Frigate, Shipbuilding
  12. Kampala Music School Education, Piano, Uganda
  13. Ksatria Medical System
  14. Kenya Meteorological Services Technology, Service, Kenya
  15. Klient Management Services
  16. Korean Maple Story Server, Guide, Maple
  17. Kayenta Middpe School
  18. Key Manamement Systems Technology, Windows, Service
  19. Knowledge Management Software Technology, Enterprise, Base
  20. Kennett Middle School
  21. Kegiatan Membangun Sendiri
  22. Kiel Marine Science
  23. Koninklijke Militaire School Military, Education, Academy
  24. Kabuki Make-Up Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  25. Krueger Middle School
  26. Kenya Meteorological Service Business, Technology, Science
  27. Klaus, MüLler, Schenk-Gmbh
  28. Korean Magnetics Society
  29. Kawananakoa Middle School
  30. Kuhn Marketing Services Business, Service, Kassel
  31. Key Management Station
  32. Knowledge Management Solutions Business, Service, Software
  33. Krep Mouth Shut
  34. Kidz Medical Sehvices
  35. Komunitas Mahasiswa Soedirman
  36. Kronenburg Management Systems Technology, Engine, Motorsport
  37. Kenya Meteorological Society
  38. Klaus, MüLler, Schenk
  39. Kabel & Medien Service
  40. Kilogram Meter Second
  41. Korea Mobile Society
  42. Kansas Medical Society Medical, Medicine, Health
  43. Kuhl Machine Shop
  44. Kevin Saurice Saunderson
  45. Knowledge-Based Management System Technology, Paper, Projection
  46. Kceni Meeni Services
  47. Kids Making Sense
  48. Kompanie Materielle Sicherstellung
  49. Kent Music School
  50. Kitchen Management System
  51. K-Words X Millions of Seconds Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
  52. Kmll Me Slowly
  53. Koran Masuk Sekolah
  54. Kansas Marital Satisfaction
  55. Kucera Middle School Education
  56. Kesatuan Melayu Singapura Government, Malaysia, Singapore, Orang
  57. Knobe Marketing Servicqs Business, Service, Mail
  58. Keenie Meenie Services Security, Service, Government
  59. Kickumuit Middle School
  60. Knowledge Media Science
  61. Kerr Middle School Education
  62. Kiss Mister Starscream
  63. Kumasi Airport Kumasi, Ghana Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
  64. Kcllington Mountain School Cycling, Mountain, Ski
  65. Kopachuck Middle School
  66. Kanapaha Middle School
  67. Kubo Martin Schwinger
  68. Kerala Migration Survey
  69. Kms Fusion Inc. Science
  70. Kilometers Service, Ocean, Environment, NASA
  71. Keele Management School Education, University, Study
  72. Kia Motors Slovakia
  73. Knowledge Management Services Business, Service, Software
  74. Kent Middle School Education
  75. Kissimmee Middle School
  76. King Middle School Student, Book, Education
  77. Keller Middle School
  78. Killing My Sbul
  79. Kooperativ Medlems Service
  80. Kamu Mevzuat Sistemi The public legislation system (KMS) is the system in which all legislation in force is registered and declared to citizens from a single center. Published in the Official Gazette in the system, with all legislation and ministries affiliated/related/Associated/coordinating agencies, municipalities and universities all kinds of secondary legislation is put into effect by publication in the Official Gazette from there. But the work on registering the decisions of the Council of Ministers published in the Official Gazette in the system will be started soon.
  81. Kubo-Martin-Schwinger Quantum, Statistics, Algebra
  82. Kenya Museum Society Africa, Locations, Kenya
  83. Klinik Management Sfsteme
  84. Kurento Media Server
  85. Kraemer Middle School
  86. Kirkburton Middle Schook Education
  87. Kari Motor Speedway India, Racing, Race
  88. Keluarga Mahasiswa Sosiologi Paper, Analytics, Story
  89. Kerio MailServer Software, Computing
  90. King Medical Supply
  91. Kuna Middle School
  92. Kotofey Music Stream
  93. Kirby Middlesschool
  94. Kyrene Middle School
  95. Kelly Middle Jchool
  96. Kemp Mill Synagogue Synagogues
  97. Kinder Middle School
  98. Kennedy Middle School Student, Education, Natick
  99. Kiosk Managoment System Company, Technology, Lock
  100. Korosi Monitoring System
  101. Kwashiorkor-Marasmus Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  102. Kelly Management Services
  103. Knowledge Music Skateboarding Music
  104. Kendaluville Middle School
  105. Kinnaird Midqle School
  106. KoreŠPondenČNÝ MatematickÝ SemináR Education, Mathematics, Seminar, Competition
  107. Kwajalein Monitor Station Military, Army
  108. Kroc Middle School Education
  109. Kellogg Liddle School
  110. Keysort Multiple Selector
  111. Kempsville Middle School
  112. Kingwood Riddle School
  113. Kilometres Military, Aviation, Army, Wildlife, Species, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, Ordnance Survey
  114. Kore
  115. Kloeckner Metallurgy Scrap
  116. Kriegsmarine Schiff Army, War, Force
  117. Keith and The Marzipan Soldiers
  118. Kato, Mori and Schwartz
  119. Kemp Mill Swnagogue Organizations, Synagogue
  120. Komori Management System
  121. Kingston Multi-Sport
  122. Korean Meteorological Society
  123. Kloeckner-MaxhüTte-Stahl
  124. Krawtchouk Moments
  125. Kaspersky Mobile Security Technology, Windows, Android
  126. Keluarga Menuju Sejahtera Indonesia, Orang, Props
  127. Kumasi Airport, Kumasi, Ghana Ghana
  128. Kingsburypmiddle School
  129. Knowledge Management System Technology, Computing, Computer Software, Information Technology, Software, IT Terminology
  130. Korean Mathematical Society Science, Research, Mathematics

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does KMS stand for?

    KMS stands for Komori Management System.

  2. What is the shortened form of Kennedy Middle School?

    The short form of "Kennedy Middle School" is KMS.


KMS. (2021, September 5). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated