KMZ Meaning

The KMZ meaning is "Khoma Airport". The KMZ abbreviation has 22 different full form.

KMZ Full Forms

  1. Khoma Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code
  2. Keyhole Markup Zipped Technology, Locations, Earth, Map
  3. Kievskii Motogsikletnyi Zavod
  4. Keyhole Markup Zip Technology, Locations, Earth
  5. Kiev Motorzyklw Zavod
  6. Kiev Motor Zavod
  7. Kiayias, Miller, and Zindros Technology, Coin, Cryptocurrency
  8. Ku Maloob Zaap Business, Oil, Mexico
  9. Keliai Aasinos Zmones
  10. Ku-Maloob-Zaap
  11. Kangaroo Management Zone
  12. Kievskiy Mototsinletniy Zavod
  13. Krasnogorski Mekhanicheskii Zavod
  14. Google Earth Placemark File Computing, File Extensions
  15. Krasnogorskiy Mekhanicheskiy Zavod
  16. Kaoma, Kaoma, Zambia Zambia, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  17. Kullen MüLler Zinser Business, Hannover, Pia
  18. Kraenogorsky Mekhanichesky Zavod Technology, Len, Camera, Canon
  19. Kullen M
  20. Krasnogorsk Mekanicheski Zavod
  21. Krdsnogorskiy Mechanicheskiy Zavod Business, Russia, Camera, Factory
  22. Krasnogorskii Mechanicheskii Zavod

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does KMZ stand for?

    KMZ stands for Kiayias, Miller, and Zindros.

  2. What is the shortened form of Keyhole Markup Zipped?

    The short form of "Keyhole Markup Zipped" is KMZ.


KMZ. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from

Last updated