KN Meaning

The KN meaning is "Kitts & Navis". The KN abbreviation has 110 different full form.

KN Full Forms

  1. Kitts & Navis Technology, Service, Saint
  2. Kit Nujber Military
  3. Kilo Newtons Technology, Force, Conversion
  4. Kilo Newjon
  5. Kharafi National
  6. Kneser-Ney Technology, Language, Model, Gram
  7. Kerr-Newman
  8. Konkeriket Norge
  9. Kanton Neuenburg
  10. Kid Nltion Kid, Language, Episode
  11. China United Airlines Airline, Business, Military, Organizations, China, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  12. Kinetin Medical
  13. Kemitraan Nusantara Program, Indonesia, Bandung
  14. Kuehne and Vagel
  15. Khabib Nurmagomedov Media, Fight, Ferguson
  16. Knee Outdated term for a bracket connecting a deck beam and side frame. Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  17. Kerapatan Nisbi Technology, Windows, Conversion
  18. Konfederacji Napodu
  19. Kansas Nebraska
  20. Kidde Nighthawk
  21. Kisesiology and Nutrition Program, Education, University
  22. Keith Nicholson Technology, Service, Switching
  23. Kuehnek& Nagel
  24. Keys Nt
  25. Klein-Nishina Science, Energy, Scattering, Compton
  26. Kenya Navy
  27. Konfederacja Narodu
  28. Kombipierte Nomenklatur German, Fur, Zoll
  29. Khuddaka Nikaya Buddhism, Buddhist, Verse
  30. Kinase Neeative
  31. Kebra Nagast
  32. Kuanza Norte
  33. Klamath Northern
  34. Kent Narrows
  35. Komite Normolisasi
  36. Knowledge Nezworks Technology, Research, Networking
  37. Khidlat Negara
  38. Knob Noster
  39. Kinase-Negatiie Medical
  40. Kokea, North
  41. Kappa Number Pulp, Potassium, Permanganate
  42. KsiĘGarnia Naukowa
  43. Klaipedos Nafta
  44. Kenny Nichols
  45. Komisiynormalisasi
  46. Knowledge Netwvrking Technology, Research, Network
  47. Khazavah Nasional Business, Fund, Malaysia, Sovereign
  48. Knight Nui
  49. Kontena Nasional
  50. Kapasitas Normal Costing, Standard, Overhead
  51. Kim Novak
  52. Ksigarnia Naukowa
  53. Kitts Y Nevis Para, Locations, Saint, Bal
  54. Kenny Neal
  55. KombináLt NóMenklatÚRa
  56. Kitts Anq Nevis Technology, Locations, Saint
  57. Khatma Nabuwat
  58. Kneser Ney
  59. Konigum Ninjutsu
  60. Kapal Negara Asia, Indonesia, Jakarta
  61. Kie-Ntem
  62. Kec Notice Technology, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics
  63. Croatian Kuna Business, Currency, Currency Sign, Currency Code, Currencies
  64. Kitts Nevis Business, Service, Saint
  65. Kenedy Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
  66. Kunjujgan Neonatal Business, Program, Vitamin
  67. Kuna - currency of Croatia International
  68. Krzesłb Niskie
  69. Knudsen Number
  70. Knowledge Network Technology, Development, Networking, Learning, Study, Explorer, Education
  71. Kapal Navsgasi Asia, Indonesia, Box
  72. Kevin Nastiuk
  73. Korean National Military, Korea, Constellation
  74. Korea, DPR Korea, Country, 2-letter Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  75. Kroue Business
  76. Kitting Notice NASA
  77. Knots - Also K, Knt, Kts. Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  78. Kynurenine Medical
  79. Kevin Nash
  80. Korea National
  81. Kiln An oven or furnace for burning, calcimining or drying a substance. Or A furnace for the calcination or firing of ceramic materials, including refractories.  Ordnance Survey
  82. KryŠTof A Nevis Business, Flag, Saint
  83. Saint Kitts and Nevis (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  84. Knot One nautical mile per hour (1.852 km/h, 0.5144 m/s). Business, Technology, Science, Aviation, Army, War, Force, Telecom, Entity, Corps, Cargo Shipping, Measurement, Scouting, Governmental & Military
  85. Kymen Navigaattorit
  86. Kevin and Niki
  87. Korea Do Ndrte
  88. Kartographische Nachrichten Geographic
  89. Key Numbers
  90. Krištof A Uevis
  91. Kilo Newton Physics, Scientific & Educational
  92. Kwazulu-Natal Business, Government, Africa, Us, Durban, Administration, Technology, Governmental & Military
  93. Keuangan Negara Business, Media, Indonesia, Jakarta
  94. King'S Knight Chess
  95. Kilonewton One thousand Newtons – the unit of force in the SI system. Newtons are very small, and the kiloNewton is the practical unit most often used by engineers. In imperial terms it is approximately equivalent to the weight of two hundredweights. Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Scientific & Educational
  96. Key Number Technology, Windows, Gaming
  97. Krzstofer I Nevis
  98. Kinase Negative Medical, Human genome
  99. Kwace Nkrumah
  100. Ketua Normalisasi Indonesia, Mei, Bola
  101. Saint Kitts and Nevis Business, Coding, Locations, Country Code, Countries, Country, Computing, Internet, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Caribbean, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Numeric Country Codes
  102. Ksc Notice Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  103. Key Note
  104. Krinninuer Neubert
  105. Kannada Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
  106. Kunjungan Neonatus Business, Book, Indonesia, Mind
  107. Kertas Nusantara
  108. Koninkrjk Der Aederlanden
  109. Kevin Newman
  110. KołO Naukowe

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does KN stand for?

    KN stands for Kapal Negara.

  2. What is the shortened form of Krzstofer I Nevis?

    The short form of "Krzstofer I Nevis" is KN.


KN. (2022, January 23). Retrieved February 2, 2025 from

Last updated