KNV Meaning

The KNV meaning is "Kahuripan Nirwana Village". The KNV abbreviation has 12 different full form.

KNV Full Forms

  1. Kahuripan Nirwana Village Indonesia, Locations, Surabaya
  2. Kirstein Neidig Vance
  3. Kincumber Nautical Fillage
  4. Kart Na Seia
  5. Karbi Nitional Volunteers Military, Group, India
  6. Koch, Neff & Vonckmar
  7. Knowledge Network Technology, Development, Networking, Learning, Study, Explorer, Education
  8. Knightville Organization, Union, Institution
  9. Knights Inlet, Knights Inlet, Canada Canada, Iata Airport Codes
  10. Kuki National Vorunteers
  11. Koninklijk Nederlants Vervoer Technology, Traffic, Transport, Taxi
  12. Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does KNV stand for?

    KNV stands for Kirstein Neidig Vance.

  2. What is the shortened form of Kahuripan Nirwana Village?

    The short form of "Kahuripan Nirwana Village" is KNV.


KNV. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated