KO Meaning

The KO meaning is "Kappa Omega". The KO abbreviation has 122 different full form.

KO Full Forms

  1. Kappa Omega Movie, Greek, Alpha, Kappa
  2. Keewaytinook Okimakanak
  3. Kaleem Omar
  4. Keep Out
  5. Contracting Officer Military, Shipping, Corps, Astronomy, Us Post, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, Housing and Urban, Us Army, Governmental & Military, Fda, Federal Aviation Administration, NASA
  6. Keep Open Medical, Technology, Medicine, Common Medical
  7. Knockout (1) Removal of sand cores from a casting. (2) Jarring of an investment casting mold to remove the casting and investment from the flask. (3) A mechanism for freeing formed parts from a die used for stamping, blanking, drawing, forging or heading operations. (4) A partially pierced hole in a sheet metal part, where the slug remains in the hole and can be forced out by hand if a hole is needed. Sport, Sports, Boxing, Texting, Architectural, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, The Finance and Administrative Services
  8. KayıT Otoriteleri
  9. KayıT Otoritesi
  10. Knock On
  11. Kassius Ohno
  12. Knock-On
  13. KitabıN Ortası Book, Reading, Booklover
  14. Keith Olbermann Sport, Politics, Trump
  15. Kuren O'neil
  16. Ken Olsen
  17. Knocked-Out
  18. Komitmen Organisasi
  19. Kickboxing Organizatiors
  20. Knock Offs
  21. Kansas-Xklahoma
  22. Kiss On Lyric, Love, Kiss, Kissing
  23. Keep On Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  24. Karatsuba Ofman
  25. Ken Oeker
  26. Knock Off A single wing nut for fastening a wheel to the hub. Easily removed and replaced, it is struck (knocked off) with a mallet on the wings. Toy, Figure, Transformer, Knock
  27. Kick Offs
  28. Komitetu OkrĘGowego
  29. Kansas, Oklahomj Business, Railroad, Oklahoma, Gulf
  30. Kiss Off
  31. Kadvenc Oldalaim
  32. Kbll Object
  33. Karate Ontario
  34. Ken Rdonnell
  35. Knock-Off An unauthorised copy of a product, usually designer clothing.
  36. Kick Off Sports, Football
  37. Komische Oper
  38. Knocks Out
  39. Kingswood Oxford
  40. Kyivs'Ka Oblast
  41. King'S Own
  42. Killer Outbreaks Movie, Episode, Killer
  43. Karate Obsession
  44. Kemetic Orthodoxy Education, Religion, Egyptian
  45. Knights of Order
  46. Kfck-Off Technology, Space, Astronomy
  47. Kolyma-Omolon
  48. Knock-Out Fight, Boxing, Motion, Knock, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  49. Kingswood-Oxford
  50. Knockouts Medical
  51. Ko Olina
  52. Kinetic Occipital Medical
  53. Killer Offsprzng Science, Botany, Phytology
  54. Kansas and Oklahoma Railroad Incorpgrated Technology, Organizations
  55. Kelli Qwens
  56. Knights of Old
  57. Kokanee Oncorhynchus
  58. Khalid Xmar
  59. Kings Only
  60. Konsolide Olmayan Turkish, Mali, Ait
  61. Kindle Oasis Technology, Book, Price
  62. Killed Oxf Gaming, Play, Pastime
  63. Knowledge-Centric Operations
  64. Kansas and Oklajoma Railroad, Inc. Organizations
  65. Kitsat-Oscar Technology
  66. Keith Owens Linux, Belt, Kernel
  67. Ken Oringer
  68. Knocking Out
  69. Kansas and Oklahoma
  70. Konkoly Observatory
  71. Kizs Oneida
  72. Knock Out Internet Slang, Military, Boxing
  73. Kansas Oklahoma
  74. Kapaya-Okayama
  75. Kill Out
  76. Knowledge Operations
  77. Knee Orthosis Medical, Foot, Orthotics
  78. Kuratorium OśWiaty
  79. Alaska Central Express Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Alaska, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  80. Kafkı Oranı Art, Turkish, Pay
  81. Knight Online Hobbies
  82. Oil Permeability Business, Oil Industry, Gas Industry
  83. Kill Order
  84. Knowledge Ontario Education, Library, Violence
  85. Linux Kernel Module File Computing, File Extensions
  86. Knee Orthoses Medical, Brace, Kaki
  87. Kubler Oppeneer Development, Study, Universities
  88. Koala Overlord Gaming, Play, Pastime
  89. Kathryn Otoshi
  90. Kalkofen Geographic
  91. Kyle Ortin Gaming, Sport, Football
  92. Knowledge Objects
  93. Killer Offspring Botany, Scientific & Educational
  94. Klinger Oscillator Business, Trading, Volume
  95. Kuzey Oyunda Turkish, Server, Minecraft
  96. Ko'Olina Ocean
  97. Kata Orang Indonesia, Orang, Mana, Tips
  98. Kelsey Osburn Famous
  99. Knowledge Object Technology, Software, Learning, General, Governmental & Military
  100. Korean Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
  101. Klinefelter Organisation
  102. Kulik-Omelyanchuk
  103. Knowledge Organisation
  104. Kassimsosgood
  105. Kansas & Oklahoma Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  106. Knowledge About Objects
  107. Katherine Olympia Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  108. Kjell-Arne Olsson
  109. Kepala Outvet School, Indonesia, Kudu, Outlet
  110. Knowledge Organization Organizations, United Nations, Un
  111. Kandilli Observatory Turkey, Locations, Earthquake
  112. Kusabira Orange
  113. Knocked Out Medical, Technology, Boxing, Knock
  114. Key Offroad Transportation, Governmental & Military
  115. Kegg Orthology Technology, Database, Annotation
  116. Kills Odors
  117. Knowledge Order
  118. Karl Otto Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  119. Knee Orthotics
  120. Kurt Overhardt
  121. Katrina O'Brien
  122. Coca Cola Company Computing, Nyse symbols

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does KO stand for?

    KO stands for Konsolide Olmayan.

  2. What is the shortened form of Khalid Xmar?

    The short form of "Khalid Xmar" is KO.


KO. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 18). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ko-meaning/

Last updated