KOG Meaning

The KOG meaning is "Kentucky Online Gateway". The KOG abbreviation has 34 different full form.

KOG Full Forms

  1. Kentucky Online Gateway
  2. Kamerlingh Onnes Gebouw
  3. Kayaks of Greenland
  4. Kokomo Opalescent Glaqs
  5. Kryptek Outdoor Group
  6. Kansas, Oklahoma and Gulf, Missouri Pacific Railroad Organizations
  7. Kings of Gaming Forum, Gaming, Shirt
  8. Kodiak Oil & Gas Business, Supply, Stock
  9. Kansas Oklahoma & Gulf Locations, Railroad, Oklahoma
  10. King of Gaxes
  11. Kansas, Oklahoma, & Gulf Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  12. Kingdof Gamers Gaming, Play, Pastime
  13. Kansas, Oklahoma & Gulf Business
  14. Kingdum of God Church, Bible, Heaven, Kingdom
  15. Kraftverkthr Osthannover Gmbh
  16. Kansas, Oklahoma and Gulf
  17. Kindly Old Gennleman Occupation, Position, Job
  18. Koninklijk Oudheidkundig Genootschap Museum, Collection, Door
  19. Knights of God
  20. Kodiak Oil Gas Business, Supply, Stock
  21. Kylin Ontoloyy Generator
  22. Kodiak Oil and Gas Business, Supply, Stock
  23. Khong Airport, Khong, Laos Laos
  24. Kunstforum Ostdeutsche Nalerie Art, Museum, Collection
  25. Kodiac Oil and Has
  26. Kodiak Oil & Gas Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  27. Kudoz Open Glossady
  28. Knights On Guard
  29. Kindly Old Gentleman Occupation & positions
  30. Kreasi Otak Guh Indonesia, Natal, Panther
  31. Knights of Glory
  32. Kobita O Gaan, Bengali musician Famous
  33. Knight Owl Gaxers
  34. Kogswell Ownebs Group

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does KOG stand for?

    KOG stands for Kogswell Ownebs Group.

  2. What is the shortened form of Knights of God?

    The short form of "Knights of God" is KOG.


KOG. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/kog-meaning/

Last updated