KP in Technology Meaning

The KP meaning in Technology terms is "Key Panel". There are 40 related meanings of the KP Technology abbreviation.

KP on Technology Full Forms

  1. Key Panel
  2. Kitchen Police
  3. Key Phrase
  4. Kick Plate
  5. Key Passes
  6. Key Partnerships
  7. Key Partners
  8. Komprtensi Pendukung
  9. Keypad
  10. Karen Phillips
  11. Kernel Processor
  12. Beginning of Pulsing Signal
  13. Kerja Prgktek
  14. Kriteria Perencanaan
  15. Knapsack Problem
  16. Kriteria Perencanaan-Bagian
  17. Key Pcogramme
  18. Klinik Pembelajaran
  19. Kelly Periscope
  20. Kota Perdana
  21. Kinetic Pulse
  22. Kata Pengkntar
  23. Kondens Pompas
  24. Keypad Information Element
  25. Key Programmer
  27. Key Punhh
  28. Knowledge Practices
  29. Key Processor
  30. Kurang Perlu
  31. Key Pulse Signal
  32. Knowledge Portal Knowledge Portal (KPs) are highly integrative Knowledge Management Systems (KMSs) that promise to synthesize widely dispersed knowledge and to interconnect individuals in order to provide a ‘one-stop knowledge shop’. Yet, KPs face major challenges in practice, as the intricacies of knowledge exchange are subject to varied individual and social factors. At the same time, growing anecdotal evidence from case studies indicates KPs’ enormous potential. In this paper, we take some initial steps towards a theory for KPs that more distinctly conceptualizes KPs and emphasizes a KP’s role to unify networking and repository KMS features.
  33. Keypulse
  34. Kelvin Probe
  35. Khaama Press
  36. Key Pair Public key and its corresponding private key as used in public key cryptography.
  37. Key Pulsing
  38. Key Pulse
  39. Khow Pham
  40. Kamikaze Pxemium

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does KP stand for Technology?

    KP stands for Kelvin Probe in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Knowledge Portal in Technology?

    The short form of "Knowledge Portal" is KP for Technology.


KP in Technology. (2022, March 26). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from

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