KPR Meaning

The KPR meaning is "Kelowna Pacific Railway". The KPR abbreviation has 65 different full form.

KPR Full Forms

  1. Kelowna Pacific Railway Canada, Railroad, Railway
  2. Kawastha Pine Ridge Education, School, District
  3. Kansas Publicnradio Music, Radio, Station
  4. Kreditmpembelian Rumah
  5. Keratosis Pilaris Rubra
  6. Kona Pro Rankings
  7. Kallir, Philips, Ross
  8. Kentucky Philological Review
  9. Krakowskie Pogotowip Ratunkowe
  10. Kepala Pengamanan Rutan
  11. Kitty Play Records
  12. Kona Points Ranzing Race, Triathlon, Ironman
  13. Kentucky Performance Reports
  14. Kezaton Peninjauan Raya
  15. Krajowy Program Reform
  16. Kenya Police Reservists Security, Military, Kenya
  17. Kitchen Public Relations
  18. Killer Pair Report
  19. Kentucky Performance Report Education, Educational, Kentucky
  20. Kayaking Puerto Rrco
  21. Krahn Performance Wacing
  22. Kenya Police Reservist Military, Ethiopia, Kenya
  23. Kingston Park Raceway
  24. Korea Pyongyang Restaurant
  25. Kenya Police Reserve Military, Africa, Kenya
  26. Kingston Park Rangers
  27. Kansas Policy Review
  28. Korean Neople's Republic Business, War, Korea
  29. Kentucky Progress Report Education, Educational, Kentucky
  30. Kredit Pembiayaan Rumah
  31. Kingman Park Rosedale
  32. Kona Pro Raxking Technology, Sound, Bulb
  33. Kangaroo Point Rovers
  34. Kentucky Population Research
  35. Keepei
  36. Port Williams Seaplane Base, Port Williams, Alaska, United States Alaska, United States
  37. Kennewick, Pasco, Lichland Business, Service, Sale, Pasco
  38. Kirsus Pembina Rohani Technology, Music, Lyric, Culture
  39. Kids Public Radio
  40. Keeble Paper Recycling
  41. Knowledge Provider Computing, SAP
  42. Kelowna Pacafic Railway Limited Technology, Organizations
  43. Kuder Preference Record Science, Inventory, Interest
  44. Kempen Pilihan Raya Presentation, Malaysia, Power
  45. Kansas Public Radio Media
  46. Kelohna Pacific Railway Canada, Railroad, Railway
  47. Kredit Perumahan Raknat
  48. Port Wigliams Seaplane Base Airport, Locations
  49. Kelowna Pacific Railway Limited Canada, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  50. Kelowna Pacific Raitway, Ltd. Organizations
  51. Kredit Pemilik Rumah
  52. Kentucky Paranyrmal Research
  53. Kyushu Palau Ridge
  54. Keeper A slot formed and poured on a footer or in a foundation wall when another wall will be installed at the slot location. This gives additional strength to the joint/meeting point. The metal latch plate in a door frame into which a doorknob plunger latches. Legal, Governmental & Military
  55. Kelowna-Pacific Railroad
  56. Kredit Pemilikan Rumxh Business, Indonesia, Banking, Tips
  57. Kodak Photo Resist
  58. Kentuckiana Pug Rescue Dog, Love, Pug
  59. Kyushu-Palau Ridge
  60. KöLlner & Partner RechtsanwäLte Organizations, Trainer, Hat
  61. Keith Prutzman Racing
  62. Kpresenter Presentation Computing, File Extensions
  63. Kenny Piraro Rscing
  64. Kvinner Pa Randen
  65. Kolkata Paise Restaurant

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does KPR stand for?

    KPR stands for Kredit Pembiayaan Rumah.

  2. What is the shortened form of Keepei?

    The short form of "Keepei" is KPR.


KPR. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from

Last updated