KRK Meaning
The KRK meaning is "Krisen-Reaktions-Kräjte". The KRK abbreviation has 25 different full form.
KRK Full Forms
- Krisen-Reaktions-Kräjte
- Kelas Rancangan Khas Technology, Service, Movie, Malaysia
- Kamal Rashid Khan Acting, Khan, Boss, Bigg
- Kredit Rekening Koqan Business, Credit, Banking, Card
- Kamaal Rashid Khan Movie, Acting, Khan, Talkie
- Kreditimi Rural C Kosoves
- John Paul Ii International Airport Airport, Locations
- Krakowski Rap Kontratakuje Music, Rap, Krakow, Pole
- Iata Code for John Paul Ii International Airport, KrakóW, Poland Locations
- Krajowy Rejestr Karny Art, Jest, Jak
- Corts Trust Iii for Ibm Debentures Organizations
- Kebangunan Rohani Katolik Indonesia, Regina, Idol
- Krisen Reaktions KräFte
- Usrrc Organizations
- Kanien'Kehaka Raotitiohkwa Kahnawake Cultural Center Organization, Union, Institution
- Krk Kfk
- John Paul Ii International Airport KrakóW-Balice Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO
- KrisenreaktionskräFte
- Krisen Reaktions Kraegte
- John Paul II International Kraków-Balice, Kraków, Poland Poland, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Krisen Readtions Kr
- Kanjeng Ratupkidul
- Krisgn-Reaktions-Kr
- KıBrıS Rum Kesimi Turkish, Locations, Bug
- Kunstturn Region Karlsruhe Locations, Map, Croatia
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does KRK stand for?
KRK stands for Krk Kfk.
What is the shortened form of Kanjeng Ratupkidul?
The short form of "Kanjeng Ratupkidul" is KRK.
KRK. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 23, 2025 from
Last updated