KRS Meaning

The KRS meaning is "Knowledge Reigns Supreme". The KRS abbreviation has 56 different full form.

KRS Full Forms

  1. Knowledge Reigns Supreme Education, Music, Lyric
  2. Kismi Reserv Sistemi
  3. Kill Rock Stars Music, Rock, Labeling
  4. Kentucky Revised Statutes Government, Kentucky, Statute
  5. Knowledge Resources Technology, Management, Theory, Light, Humor
  6. Knowledge Representation System Technology, Language, Ontology
  7. Krajowym Rejestrze SĄDowym Business, Internet, Jest
  8. Krajowa Rada Sp
  9. Kentucky Retirement Systems Business, Education, Kentucky
  10. King'S Regulations Military, Army, India, Air Force, Armed Forces, World War Ii, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  11. Knights Rail Services
  12. Krajowego Rejestru SĄDowego Projection, Internet, Jest
  13. Krajowa Rada SĄDownictwa Technology, Traffic, Jest, Jak
  14. Kensington Rune Stone
  15. King Richard School Education, School, Trip
  16. Krajowa Rada SpółDzielcza
  17. Knowledge Retrieval System Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  18. Kadet Remaja Sekolah
  19. King Retail Solutions Business, Design, Store
  20. Korea Robotics Society
  21. Knowledge Resource Service
  22. Krishna Raja Sagara
  23. Krajowy Rejestr Sadowy Technology, Analysis, Firm, Traffic
  24. Kentucky Revised Statues Student, Education, Law, Kentucky
  25. Korea Register of Shipping Organizations, Ship, Korea
  26. Knowledge Representation Syntax Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  27. KıSmi Rezerv Sistemi Business, Para, Tube, Prof
  28. Krajowym Rejestrze Sdowym
  29. Kentucky Revised Statute Government, Law, Kentucky
  30. Koreans Business, Cargo Shipping
  31. Knowledge Representation Systems
  32. Kristiansand Airport, Kjevik Airport, Locations, IATA Code
  33. Krajowego Rejestru Sdowego
  34. Kentucky Retirement System Business, Pension, Kentucky
  35. Korean Register of Shipping The Korean Register of Shipping (KR) is the only classification society founded in Korea offering verification and certification services for ships and marine structures in terms of design, construction and maintenance. KR promotes the safety of life and property at sea and the protection of the environment. Plus, KR also provides certification services for various business sectors including education & training, navy & coast guard vessels, renewable energy and etc. KR is Asia's second biggest classification society and aims to be on world's top five by 2020. Business, Classification, Ship, Electrical
  36. KıSmi Rezerv Sistemiyle Business, Para, Tube, Prof
  37. Knysna Rose Society
  38. Krajowego Rejstru SĄDowego Business, Alternative, Internet
  39. Korean Radiological Society
  40. KıSmi Rezerv Sistemi'Nde
  41. Knowledge Rules Supreme
  42. Koenig Rehearsal Studio
  43. Korean Radioactive Waste Society Science, Organizations, Korea
  44. Kwajalein Range Service
  45. Krebs-Ringer Solution Medical
  46. Kona Rule Set
  47. Kwajalein Range Services Technology, Service, Military
  48. Kjevik, Kristiansand, Norway Norway
  49. Komunitas Rabo Sore
  50. Kunlun Red Star
  51. Kresta Holdings Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  52. Komitet Represjonowania SĘDzióW Jest, Jak, Prez
  53. Kuju Rail Simulator Technology, Gaming, Train
  54. Key Recovery Service Technology, Launch, Bitcoin
  55. Koefisien Rejim Sungai Monitoring, Debit, Prose
  56. Kriminaloberkommissar

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does KRS stand for?

    KRS stands for Kentucky Retirement System.

  2. What is the shortened form of Knowledge Reigns Supreme?

    The short form of "Knowledge Reigns Supreme" is KRS.


KRS. (2021, March 18). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated