KS Meaning

The KS meaning is "Kill Secured". The KS abbreviation has 267 different full form.

KS Full Forms

  1. Kill Secured Gaming, Military, League, Legend
  2. Knowledge Systems Business, Research, Enterprise
  3. Kansas School Medicine, Education, University
  4. King Single
  5. Keeping Secrets
  6. Kill Secure Gaming, League, Legend
  7. Knowledge System Technology, Government, Development
  8. Kansas Schools
  9. King Salmon
  10. Keene State Student, College, Education, University
  11. Kill-Steal
  12. Knowledge Sharing Science, Management, Government
  13. Kansas Salina Hotel, School, Inn, Salina
  14. King'S Scholar College, Education, King
  15. Komunitas Sasak Technology, Para, Orang, Blogger
  16. Kansas Site
  17. Kiefer Sutherland
  18. Kallmann'S Syndrome Medical
  19. Kindred Spirits Records, Music, Spirit
  20. Kolmogorov Smirnov Statistics, Distribution, Hypothesi
  21. Kansas Single
  22. Keluarga Sejahtera
  23. Kaposi Sarcoma ;A relatively rare type of skin malignancy that tends to afflict elderly people or, those with an abnormal immune system as in AIDS. Kaposi sarcoma is a highly vascular ("angioblastic") tumor of the skin characterized by soft purplish plaques and papules that form nodules which typically start on the feet and ankles and then slowly spread across the skin of the legs, hands and arms. These tumors can also develop internally and cause severe internal bleeding.The treatment depends on the severity of the tumor. Low dosages of radiation therapy can be effective in treating mild cases of Kaposi sarcoma. Medical, Technology, Healthcare, Nursing, NAACCR
  24. Kill Stealer Internet Slang, Slang, Chat
  25. Kolmogorov-Smirnov Medical, Medicine
  26. Kansas Services
  27. Keith Smith
  28. Kashmiri Locations, Language codes (2 letters)
  29. Kill Squad
  30. Koleje śLĄSkie
  31. Kansas See
  32. Keep Smiling
  33. Kaposi'S Sarcomas Medical
  34. Khoe-San
  35. Kaleido Solo Technology, Audio, Converter
  36. Kay Stone
  37. Kansas Silent
  38. Kevin Siembieda
  39. Kart Suit
  40. Kicker Solenoid
  41. Kallmann Syndrome Medical, Genetics, Hypogonadism
  42. Keith Schuler
  43. Kansas Sterling Business, College, School
  44. Kapal Selam Military, Indonesia, Torpedo, Whiskey
  45. Kevin Sullivan
  46. Korean Studies Education, Study, Korea
  47. Kansas Scammon Business, School, City
  48. Kerry Schuss Art, Artist, Fair
  49. Keong Saik
  50. Kate Somerville
  51. Kennard-Stone Technology, Algorithm, Package
  52. Kansas Summer
  53. Kaposi'S Sarcoma Medical, Treatment, Pharmacy, Fda, Clinical
  54. Khiry Shelton
  55. Kabbalat Shabbat
  56. Kawasaki Syndrome Medical, Disease, Children
  57. Kansas Shop
  58. Peninsula Airways Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  59. Kenny Stills Art, Music, Player, Stills
  60. Kevin Shattenkirk
  61. Kari Smith
  62. Kia Soul Business, Car, Vehicle
  63. Kallmann-Syndrom
  64. Keith Schreiber
  65. Kansas Statutes
  66. Kantowski Sachs
  67. Kevin Suggs Drive, Music, Trucker
  68. Kordell Stewart Sport, Colorado, Football
  69. Kansas Sawyer
  70. Kerr Stuart, Stoke-On-Trent Network, Railway, System
  71. Kenzo Suzuki
  72. Ketchup Stain
  73. Kate Smith America, Feat, Directory
  74. Kenichi Sonoda
  75. Kansas Sublette Business, School, City
  76. Kaposi'S Sar
  77. Kheta Sarai Locations, Map, Train, Railway
  78. K82 Smith
  79. Kawal Samudra
  80. Kansas Shawnee
  81. Keratan Sulfate Medical, Protein, Cell
  82. Kenny Shelton
  83. Karen Stepanyan Music, Concert, Silva
  84. Kia Sorento Business, Car, Rover
  85. Kalin Shrine Gaming, Run, Magic, Shrine
  86. Kehagias-Sfetsos Quantum, Gravity, Hole
  87. Kansas Stati
  88. Kantowski-Sachs
  89. Kevin Spencer
  90. Kansas Savonburg Coding, Locations, City
  91. Kerr Stuart
  92. Kenwick School Education
  93. Ketac-Silver Medical
  94. Kata Sifat Indonesia, Orang, Korea
  95. Kendric Smith
  96. Kansas Strong Business, School, City
  97. Kaplan Singapore
  98. Key Set Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  99. Authentication Session Key Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  100. KaupféLag Skagfirğinga Business, Iceland, Lag, Inga
  101. Kansas Scott Business, County, City
  102. Kerala Strikers
  103. Kennicutt Schmidt
  104. Karen Smith
  105. Kiana School Education
  106. Kalinda School Education
  107. Kearney Speaker Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  108. Kansas State
  109. Kevin Spacey Acting, Card, House, Famous
  110. Kansas Satanta Business, Hotel, Map
  111. Kerr, Stuart
  112. Kentucky Space
  113. Keski-Suomi
  114. Kassel, Stadt
  115. Kama Sutra Porn, Sex, Love, Sutra
  116. Kendra Scott Business, Jewelry, Earring
  117. Kansas Stockton Business, School, Rent
  118. Kaplan-Sheinwold Business, Service, Organizations
  119. Key Servers Technology, Group, Cisco
  120. Kuddise Sirruh
  121. Kauffman Stadium Hotel, Locations, City
  122. Kansas Science
  123. Kepulauan Seribu Indonesia, Jakarta, Locations, Agen
  124. Kate Stewart Technology, Book, Music, Lethbridge
  125. Kennicutt-Schmidt Galaxy, Star, Formation
  126. Karen Schubert
  127. Khushwant Singh
  128. Kalimantan Selatan Hotel, Indonesia, Locations
  129. KaŠTel SućUrac
  130. Kansas Simpson Business, Car, Auto, Lender
  131. Kansas Salvage
  132. Keshvinder Singh
  133. Kevin Smith Film, Movie, Clerk
  134. Kashmir Saivism
  135. Kalman Smoother Technology, Filter, Frequency, Covariance
  136. Keith Seitz
  137. Kansas Stockman
  138. Kapiṣṭhala-Katha Saṃhita
  139. Key Server Technology, Group, Networking
  140. Krishnan In Solids
  141. Katie Stout
  142. Kansas Schoenchen Car, Locations, Map
  143. Kerry Shale
  144. Kept Son
  145. Kate Spalding Bag, Follower, Spade
  146. Kenneth Smith
  147. Kardan Sport
  148. Khokhar Said
  149. Kalem Seti
  150. Kazuhiro Sasaki
  151. Kansas Silver Business, School, Lake
  152. Kansas Saint Business, Banking, City
  153. Kevin Slowey
  154. KarıNca Sistemi
  155. Kicking Specialist
  156. Kallman Syndrome Medical, Science, Biology
  157. Keith Scott
  158. Kansas Stilwell Business, School, City
  159. Kapasitas Sesungguhnya Locations, Baku, Jam, Overhead
  160. Key Sequence Technology, Device, Software
  161. Korsakoff'S Syndrome Medical
  162. Katie Smith Book, Education, Design, School
  163. Kansas Scandia Business, Service, School
  164. Kerry Scott
  165. Kepala Sekolah Program, Guru, Madrasah
  166. Kate Spade
  167. Kennard and Stone
  168. Kill then steal Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  169. Keratins Keratin is one of a family of fibrous structural proteins. Keratin is the protein that protects epithelial cells from damage or stress. It is the key structural material making up the outer layer of human skin. It is also the key structural component of hair and nails, and it provides the necessary strength and toughness for masticatory organs, such as the tongue and the hard palate. Medical
  170. Kansas Sylvia Business, School, Car
  171. Kevin Schmidt Business, Acting, Biography, Actor
  172. Katha School
  173. Kafus Industries, LTD. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  174. Kansas Sabetha Hotel, Locations, Map
  175. Ken Scott
  176. Kassar South Regional
  177. Katie Schultz
  178. Kitchin Sink Ordnance Survey
  179. Ketosteroid Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  180. Knee Society Medical, Technology, Medicine
  181. Kidney Shot Guide, Warcraft, Rogue
  182. Kampong Speu
  183. Key Strategies Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  184. Korasi's sword Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  185. Keratan Sulphate Medical
  186. Kansas Sylvan Business, School, Park, Grove
  187. Kevin Scherschel Music, Song, Remix
  188. Katha Samhita Education, Hindu, Sanskrit, Vedic
  189. Kanner'S Syndrome
  190. Kiski School Pennsylvania
  191. Kathy Stucky
  192. Kulbir Singh Famous
  193. Klub Sportowy Technology, Sport, Club
  194. Kidder-Stacy
  195. Kamehameha Schools Education, School, Hawaii
  196. Korean Standard Medical, Physiology
  197. Kill Steal Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  198. Kevin Saunderson Music, History, Techno
  199. Kathaka Samhita
  200. Kids Stuffed
  201. Kannanukku Song
  202. Kansas Sycamore Business, Coding, City
  203. Kernel Service Technology, Database, Driver
  204. Knox School New York
  205. Katholische Soziallehre
  206. Kum Shing Construction
  207. Klondike Silver
  208. Kick Stop Soul, KIA, Equipment, Kick
  209. Kamasutra Spark Business, Deal, Price
  210. Kartagener Syndrome A genetic syndrome that is characterized by sinusitis, bronchiectasis (widening and inflammation of the bronchi), dextrocardia (heart on the right side of the chest), and infertility. Kartagener syndrome is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. Kartagener syndrome is usually due to mutation in the gene called DNAI1 on chromosome 9. However, linkage studies have mapped the disease gene to 5p and 19q in some families, indicating that Kartagener syndrome is more than one genetic entity. Also known as ciliary dyskinesia syndrome. Medical, Common Medical
  211. Korea, Republic of Technology, Korea, Governmental & Military, 3-letter Country Codes, Country, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  212. Kettle Server
  213. Knowledge Services Business, Management, Service
  214. Katey Sagal
  215. Kids Space
  216. Kane Springs
  217. K-shield Only under the tread region of the tire is a layer of light, flexible rubber incorporating aramid and ceramic particles. Designed to prevent punctures and extend the life of your tires. Bicycle, Tire
  218. Kansas Surplus
  219. Key School Maryland
  220. Kernel Services Technology, Driving, Driver
  221. Kant-Studien
  222. Kathleen Smith
  223. Kilosecond Architecture
  224. Klinefelter'S Syndrome Medical, Technology
  225. Kickstarter Industry, Fashion, Internet
  226. King's Schools Washington
  227. Key Sign Security, Governmental & Military
  228. Ketosynthase Medical
  229. Knock Sensors Technology, Coding, Engine
  230. Kids-Sky
  231. Kandeer School Education
  232. Killing of Stealers This is another another frequent shorthand for a kiss filter bypass. With the phrase vulture, this slang also signifies the killing of stealers, notably in the manner of player-vs-player games. Roblox
  233. Kansas Supervised
  234. Keystone Schools Indiana
  235. Kerned Support Technology
  236. Kan Schools
  237. Kevin Seitzer
  238. Kathleen Sebelius Government, Health, Governor
  239. Kitchen Sink Engineering, Architectural, Electrical, Scientific & Educational
  240. Ken Seyffert
  241. Kitchen Staff Business, Employment, School
  242. Kick Snapper
  243. Kinkaid School Texas
  244. Key Stage Security, Governmental & Military
  245. Ketosteroid Sulfates Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  246. Knock Sensor The Knock sensor is a actual microphone screwed into the engine block. It is tuned to listen to the exact frequency of an engine knock, which is a high frequency ping. Technology, Auto, Automobile
  247. Kids' Sake
  248. Kana Sensitive Technology, Database, Server, Collation
  249. Kaposi's sarcoma; Medical
  250. Kansas Sun Locations, City, Loan
  251. Kent School Connecticut
  252. Keratitis Sicca
  253. Kansas Syracuse Business, County, Map
  254. Kevin Seifert
  255. Katherine Sarafian Film, Story, Mark
  256. Kommandittselskap Company, Business & Finance
  257. Ken Stott Business, Card, Hobbit
  258. King Star
  259. Keystone School Texas
  260. Kernel Streaming Computing, Drivers
  261. Ketosteroids Medical, Nursing, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
  262. Knitting Supplies
  263. Kidney Support
  264. Kamus Sasak
  265. Kickstart File Computing, File Extensions
  266. Kansas Locations, Postal, State, Gpo, Technology, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Weather, Kansas, List of All 50 State, United States, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Us area code, Us state code
  267. Kansas Summerfield Business, School, City

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does KS stand for?

    KS stands for Kansas Silver.

  2. What is the shortened form of KarıNca Sistemi?

    The short form of "KarıNca Sistemi" is KS.


KS. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 7). Retrieved January 31, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ks-meaning/

Last updated