KSS Meaning

The KSS meaning is "Knee Society Score". The KSS abbreviation has 100 different full form.

KSS Full Forms

  1. Knee Society Score Medical, Patient, Arthroplasty
  2. Kearns-Sayre Syndrome Medical, Disease, Disorder, Mitochondrial
  3. Karolinska Sleepiness Scale Medical, Study, Sleep
  4. Knowledge Sharing System Technology, Military, Networking
  5. Kentucky Slvep Society
  6. Konkona Sen Shaima
  7. Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Technology, Turkish
  8. Keď Sa Smejem Music, Canada, Goose
  9. Knowledge Sources Technology, Design, Blackboard
  10. Kintore Street School Education
  11. Kowshika Sankethi Sangha
  12. Kataibasayyid Al-Shuhada
  13. Komunistick
  14. Knowledge and Skills Statement
  15. Kentucky School Service
  16. Konferenz SäChsischer Studierendenschaften Business, Freight, Dresden, Leipzig
  17. Kohl'S Corporation Technology, Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols
  18. Keyword-Set Search System
  19. Knowledge Sharing Site
  20. Kilo-Salples Per Second Technology
  21. Kouvolan Seudun S
  22. Kaspersky Subscription Services
  23. Knowledge and Systems Science Technology, Management, Research
  24. KüçüK Sanayi Sitelerinin Turkish
  25. Kent Surrey and Sussdx Education, Ambulance, Deanery
  26. KomşUlarla SıFıR Sorun Turkish, Bug
  27. Kohl'S Corp. Organizations
  28. Key Supporx Services
  29. Knowledge Sharing Shop Accounting, Computing, Data, General, Governmental & Military
  30. Kerbal Space Station Technology, Program, Gaming
  31. Korea Stamp Society
  32. Kaspersky Security System
  33. Killarney Secondary School
  34. Kirby Super Star Gaming, Play, Pastime
  35. KüçüK Sanayi Sitelerini Turkish, Malar
  36. Kent, Surrey and Sussex Medical, Health, Ambulance
  37. Knowledge Support System Business, Service, Military
  38. Key Strokespper Second Technology
  39. Knowledge Sharing Sessions Indonesia, Locations, Analytics
  40. Keratoconus Severity Score
  41. Korea Society for Simulation
  42. Kaspersky Security Scan Technology, Windows, Lab
  43. Kids Skills School
  44. Kirby Squeak Squad
  45. KüçüK Sanayi Siteleri Turkish, Program
  46. Kent Surrey Sussex
  47. Key Stream Segoents
  48. Knowledge Sharing Session Business, Management, Development
  49. Kegala Sub Seksi
  50. Korea Social Servpces
  51. K-Meter Survey System
  52. Khwarzimic Sciencp Society
  53. Kipnis Studio Standard Technology, Room, Theater
  54. Kwansei Gakuin Sleepiness Scale Medical
  55. Kenj, Surrey, Sussex Medical, Ambulance, Surrey
  56. Knowledge Sharing Systems
  57. Kenya Soil Survey
  58. Korean Statistical Society
  59. Sikasso Airport Sikasso, Mali Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
  60. Khwarizmi Science Society Technology, Pakistan, Eddy
  61. Knowledge Source Server Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  62. Kipnis Standard Studio Technology, Room, Theater
  63. KoŠArkaŠKi Savez Srbije Sport, Basketball, Serbia
  64. Kaee Stephens-Smith
  65. KüçüK Sanayi Sitesi Turkish, Malar
  66. Karabinek Samopowtarzalny Simonowa Products
  67. Kettering Storage Solutions
  68. Komisji Sportu Samochodowego
  69. Keams Sayre Syndrome Medical, Health, Disorder
  70. Keystone State Skinhtads Group, Nationalism, Nazi
  71. KüçüK Sanayi Sitesinin Turkish, Ola
  72. Kelsall Swiftbuild Sandwich Food
  73. Kerjasama Selatan-Selatan
  74. Kohl'S Corporationration Organizations
  75. Raytheon Travel Air Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  76. Klahowya Secondary School Washington
  77. Keystone Service Smstems
  78. Knight of Saint Silvester
  79. Kochi Sun Sun Technology, Networking, Network, Fuji
  80. King Street School New Hampshire
  81. Keystole Science School Business, Community, Camp
  82. Komunitas Seniman Santri
  83. Raytheon Traveliair Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  84. Knyle Style Sheets Technology, Development, Guide
  85. Sikasso Airport, Sikasso, Mali Mali
  86. Key Sepvers Technology, Group, Cisco
  87. Komunistická Strana Slovenska Government, Group, Slovakia, Party
  88. Kuwait State Security
  89. Knowledge Support Systems
  90. Kuwait Standard Specification Computing, Hardware
  91. Key Safety Systems Business, Company, Vector
  92. Komitet Samoobrony Spoecznej
  93. Kearns–Sayre syndrome Kearns–Sayre syndrome, also known as oculocraniosomatic disorder or oculocraniosomatic neuromuscular disorder with ragged red fibers, is a mitochondrial myopathy with a typical onset before 20 years of age. KSS is a more severe syndromic variant of chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia, a syndrome that is characterized by isolated involvement of the muscles controlling movement of the eyelid and eye. Medical, Physiology
  94. Key Stream Segment Technology, Telecom, Connection
  95. Küçük Sanaji Sitesini Turkish, Program
  96. Konami Sound System Computing, Hardware
  97. Key Safety Syptem
  98. Komitet Samoobrony SpołEcznej Jest, Jak, Ski
  99. Kidney Stone Squirm - A Spot Diagnosis In A&E Medical, Medical Slang
  100. Key Store Service

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does KSS stand for?

    KSS stands for Klahowya Secondary School.

  2. What is the shortened form of Knyle Style Sheets?

    The short form of "Knyle Style Sheets" is KSS.


KSS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/kss-meaning/

Last updated