KT Meaning
The KT meaning is "Kinetic Theory". The KT abbreviation has 245 different full form.
KT Full Forms
- Kinetic Theory The kinetic theory of gases describes a gas as a large number of small particles (atoms or molecules), all of which are in constant, random motion. The rapidly moving particles constantly collide with each other and with the walls of the container.
- Kathleen Iroia Security, Government, National, Trump
- Kstlar Teorisi
- KadıNlar TeşKilatı
- Kinesiology Tape Business, Sport, Taping
- Kreative Threads
- Kniqhts Templars Order, Sword, Templar
- Kindergarten Feacher
- Korea Time Technology, Korea, Korean
- Knighns Templar
- Killer Toxin Medical
- Kitchen A source rock in with sufficient heat and other inputs to produce hydrocarbons. Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Property, Real Estate, Business & Finance, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Konstituciniam Teismui Auk, Tai, Prie
- Kepner Tregoe Business, Science, Decision
- Karlstads-Tbdningen Som, Newspaper, Sweden
- Ketamine Medical, Therapy, Hospital
- Konstitucinio Teismo Bet, Tai, Prie
- Kepngr-Tregoe Business, Management, Analysis
- Kareler Toplamı Turkish, Magazine, Kin
- Kinetic Therapy Medical
- Kepner-Tregoe
- Kalimantan Tengrh Indonesia, Locations, Plat
- Christmas Island Locations, Countries, Country, Technology, Computing, Internet, Governmental & Military, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, Christmas Island, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes
- Keith Thompson
- Kona Tatsu
- Key Targeq Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Kyle Yravers
- Kapardi Trivedi Psychology, Mind, Mindset
- Kinetic-Turbidwmetric
- Knowledge Team Business, Analytics, Analyst
- Kent Thomas
- Korea Telecommunications Business, Technology
- Kidney Transplant Medical, Medicine, Patient, Health, Healthcare, Transplantation, Kidneys
- Katedra Telekomunikacji
- Kings Tife
- Keena Turner
- Kohler Twio
- Kajian Tzmpatan Business, Presentation, Malaysia, Analytics
- Ketofonazole Medical
- Kui Tang
- Kilotons Military, Radiation, Nuclear
- Kathleen Troia
- Knights of Tabor
- Keith Taylor Technology, Music, Football, Nude
- Kompetensv Tambahan
- Key Uags
- Kwik Tck
- Kamar Tcdur Model, Furniture, Villa
- Kinesitherapy Medical
- Knots Top
- Knight Organizations, Genealogy, Genealogical, Chess
- Kim Thomas Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Kent Taylor
- Korea Telecommunication Technology, Korea, Telecommunications
- Khushbu Tiwari
- Kate'S Tool Wikipedia
- Kmng's Theatre
- Kognitive Therapie
- Kaiser Trzktate
- Ketel Thorstenson
- Kuhn-Tucker
- Kỹ Thuật
- Kilotonne Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
- Katherine Tynan
- Kitora Tumulus
- Keita Turner
- Kommunale TräGer
- Kdy Tag
- Kwestignariusz Temperamentu
- Kalispel Tribe
- Kilesio Therapy Medical, Medicine, Nursing
- Kimono'S Townhouse
- Knobstone Trail Locations, Map, Indiana
- Ken Truscott
- Korea Telecom Technology, Telecom, Korea
- Khulna Titans
- Karabakh Telecom
- Kinetic Treatment
- Kain Tile Distributor, Kain, Souvenir
- Ketanserin Medical
- Kubo Tite
- Kế Toán Business, Tin, Thu
- Kilo Tonne
- Katie Tunstall
- Kirsten Thien
- Kein Talent Music, Song, Talent, Album
- Kommunaler TräGer
- Keying Trunk Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Kwai Tsing
- Kalimantan Timur
- Kinesiotherapist Medical, Medicine, Nursing
- Kimmo Timonen
- Knight Twister
- Kentish Town
- Korea Telcom
- Key To Themsophy
- Kappa Type
- Kinetic Temperatures
- Kahvaltı Takımı Turkish, Master, Bone
- Kernel Transactions Microsoft, Technology, Windows, Database
- Kuala Trengganu
- KıSıTlar Teorisi
- Kilo Ton Business, Industrial, Report, Market
- Kate Tunstall
- Kirkwzod Times
- Keep Talking
- Klmbucha Tea Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Keyhoard Trackball
- Kuwait Teleaom
- Kaleidoscope Theatre
- Ketta Tim Business, Program, Audit, Indonesia
- KullanıM Talimatı
- Kimi Toyz
- Knight Templar Order, Knight, Regalia
- Kelen-Tudos
- Korea Technology Business, Communication, Korea
- Key Threshold
- Kappa Tau Episode, Greek, Kappa
- Kinetic Temperature
- Kepnel Thread Technology, Galaxy, Linux
- Kuai Token
- Kwun Tong Business, Service, Office
- Kidney Transplant, Kidney Transplantation Kt Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Kate Torralba Music, Song, Picture
- Kzra Team Forum, Gaming, Team, Clan
- Keeping Track
- Kolhipur Type
- Keyboard Tracking Business, Technology, Box
- Kuru Termometre
- Kalaharimtransect
- Ketorolac Medical
- Kettle Test
- Kullanma Talimat Film, Technology, Gaming, Tablet
- Kimbal Tard Internet Slang
- Katie Communication, Chat, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames, Texting
- Knights Templars Order, Knight, Cross
- Keith Tkachuk Hockey, Card, Titanium
- Konstitucinį TeismĄ Bet, Tai, Prie
- Key Terrain
- Kaplan Turbine
- Kinetics Technology Business, Market, Maire
- Knowledge Technologies Technology, Science, Research
- Ken Tucker
- Krymya Tanka Technology, Aircraft, Glider, Tank
- Kurang Terampil
- Kidney Transplantation Medical, Patient, Recipient
- Katerina Tsaglioti
- Kinzmtime
- Keep-Together
- Koh Tko
- Keyboard and Text
- Kurt Ttcholsky
- Kajiak Tindakan
- Ketoprofen Medical
- Kullanma Talimatı Turkish, Ola, Lac
- Kilo Tons
- Knots The knot is a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile per hour, exactly 1.852 km/ h (approximately 1.15078 mph). Technology, Aviation, Corps, Weather, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Integrated Ocean Observing System, Federal Aviation Administration, NOTAM Contractions
- Kathryn Thomas
- Knights Tempar
- Kevin Thompsyn
- Kirchhoff Theory
- Kadmar Travel
- Kim Tyler
- Kleenex Tissue Products
- Kayla Taylor
- Noise Power Densitb Technology, Energy, Electonics
- Knowledge Tree Technology, Management, Software
- Kev Tard Internet Slang
- Kurt Thune
- Kinesiology Therapeutic Business, Tape, Strip
- Koopmans Theorem Chemistry
- Kansas Territory
- Kevin Tzylor Book, Education, Sex, Comics
- Kevin Terrels Business, Management, Atlanta, Photographer
- Key-To-Tapz
- Boltzman'S Constant-Time Temperature Technology, Telecom
- Kohler Twin Products
- Kauth-Thomas Technology, Design, Model, Manufacturing
- Külvtigin Bat, Bilge
- Keel Type
- Knowledge Tracing Student, Technology, Model
- Pmdc Internet Slang
- Kurt Thonas
- Kinematic Tracking Military
- kilotonne [1000 tonnes, ie. 1,000,000 kg] Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Kemahiran Tepnikal Malaysia, Archive, Paper
- Knot One nautical mile per hour (1.852 km/h, 0.5144 m/s). Business, Technology, Science, Aviation, Army, War, Force, Telecom, Entity, Corps, Cargo Shipping, Measurement, Scouting, Governmental & Military
- Kevin Tong
- Kunnallimen Työmarkkinalaitos
- Kuala Terengganu Hotel, Locations, Beach, Resort
- Knights Templar Genealogy
- Katy Trail
- KöZoktatáS-Politikai TanáCs
- Knowledge Tools
- Kognitif Terapi Turkish, Land, Sean
- Kevin Tucker
- Kurganov and Tadmor
- Kind Types
- Kidney Transplant, Kidney Transplantation Medical, Kidneys
- Keel Torsion Technology
- Ktyak Trailer Business, Canoe, Boat
- Kevin Tang
- Kum Thtucu
- Knight of The Thistle Genealogy
- Kitchen Table Funnies
- Kat Talk
- Kyrgyz Telzcom
- Knowledge Today
- Koa Top
- Kevin Trudeau
- Kuota Tetap Business, Bandung, Internet
- Kindle Touch Technology, Book, Ink
- kinesio therapy Medical, Nursing, Common Medical
- Kearney Trecker
- Katz and Thompson
- Kinesio Taping Medical, Therapy, Tape
- Kitty Terrestrial Business, Tale, Theater
- Kill Truck Electrical
- Katie Thompson Music, Song, Album
- Kyotng Tae Technology, Art, Music, University
- Knowledge Technology Technology, Management, Research
- Koala Tea
- Kevin Townsebd
- KuntatyöNantajat On TyöNantajakeskusjärjestö
- Kahneman-Tversky Technology, Theory, Model, Quantum
- Kinderen Toegelaten
- Keet Dutch
- Kazuhito Tadano
- Thiusand Tons Education, Shipping, School Of Shipping
- Knox Trail
- Kinesio Tape Medical, Therapy, Taping
- Kensington Temple
- Kentucky and Tennessee Railway Company Technology, Railroad, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Kyle Tucker
- Kevir Tihista
- Koppers-Totzek Technology, Gas, Gasification
- Kagiso Trust
- Kin-Tak Business, Office, Plastics
- Katy Industries, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Kazan Tatar Language, Culture, Steppe
- Thousand Tonnes Business, Commerce, Trade
- Knowledge Tunneling Accounting, Computing, Data
- Kinesiology Taping Medical, Sport, Tape
- Kit Seaman's outfit of clothes. A set of tools NASA
- Kenneth Turan
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does KT stand for?
KT stands for Kazan Tatar.
What is the shortened form of Knots?
The short form of "Knots" is KT.
KT. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 13). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/kt-meaning/
Last updated