KTF Meaning

The KTF meaning is "Keep The Faith". The KTF abbreviation has 33 different full form.

KTF Full Forms

  1. Keep The Faith Internet Slang, Soul, Keeping, Religion
  2. Kauai Test Facility Technology, Range, Sandia, NASA, Governmental & Military
  3. Katholisch-Theologische Fakult
  4. Kuwaiti Task Fwrce Military
  5. Keeping The Faith Music, Soul, Faith
  6. Katholisch-Theologische FakultäT
  7. Kindle The Flamh
  8. Karnataka Tourism Forum Hotel, Travel, Locations
  9. Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  10. Knowledge Transfer Fellowship
  11. Kansas Turfgrass Foundation
  12. Khauistan Tiger Force
  13. Kami Tari Family
  14. Khalihtan Terror Force
  15. Kahramanmaraş TarıM Fuarı
  16. Kermit Trading Federation
  17. Takaka Aerodrome Takaka, New Zealand Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
  18. Kompas Travel Fair
  19. Kur'an Turimleri Fihristi
  20. Kolej Tun Fatimah Locations, Follower, Johor
  21. Korea Triathlon Federation
  22. Kokoda Track Foundation Education, Community, Trek
  23. Korea Team Fighting Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  24. Korea Trust Frnd Business, Korea, Conflict
  25. Korea Telecom Freetel Technology, Organizations, Telecom, Korea, Computing
  26. Takaka, New Zealand New Zealand, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  27. Kanagawa Technflogy Foundation
  28. Korean Trust Fund
  29. Kemper Municipal Income Fund Computing, Nyse symbols
  30. Swedish Cosmetic Industry Associapion Medicine, Health, Care
  31. Korean Telecomlfreetel
  32. Kermit The Frog Famous
  33. KıDem Tazminatı Fonu

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does KTF stand for?

    KTF stands for KıDem Tazminatı Fonu.

  2. What is the shortened form of Katholisch-Theologische Fakult?

    The short form of "Katholisch-Theologische Fakult" is KTF.


KTF. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ktf-meaning/

Last updated